What happened to Deb Levy's son? 'The Circle' Season 7 star dealing with huge loss in her family
PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA: Considering that Netflix's 'The Circle' is a social media experiment, the participants are the driving force behind the show. In the very first episode of Season 7, fans get to know a piece of heartbreaking news about player Rachel, aka Debbie 'Deb' Schwartzberg Levy's eldest son.
Debbie sobbed, remembering her own child, upon hearing of her fellow opponent Savannah Miller's potentially fatal brain tumor struggle. Debbie dedicated herself fully to creating a secure and stable home for her small family and loved ones ever since she got married to her then-long-term partner Phil Levy in November 1995.
They welcomed three sons into their lives: Jonathan Levy in February 1999, Jason Levy in February 2001, and Andrew Levy in April 2003. Their firstborn child, who had type 1 diabetes and mental health problems, unfortunately, turned to self-medication and, tragically, overdosed in December 2021 at the age of 22.
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'The Circle' Season 7 star Debbie Schwartzberg Levy is raising awareness regarding addiction after losing son
Since she is aware that "many families go through similar struggles," Debbie has never been embarrassed to share Jonathan's experience because she wants to encourage and spread awareness about overdose. Since then, she has even acknowledged, "Jonathan will always be the beginning of my heart and my love growing and opening. Of learning to not just fully embrace and love my children and family, but everyone important to me."
Her first goal these days is to spend as much time as possible with her aging mother, devoted husband, kind children, and other loved ones since she is aware of the pain of losing a child.

Debbie Schwartzberg Levy entered 'The Circle' Season 7 as a catfish
Debbie acknowledged that she doesn't fully understand the lifestyle of the younger generation, but she felt she could deal with it because of her job in higher education and her time spent on college campuses. She decided to play the game as someone who was three decades younger than her, but at first, it didn't work out.
She had assumed that by portraying herself as a kind, humble girl, but in reality, it only made the other people think she was uninteresting, leading them to believe she was a scammer because of her WWE expertise.
Debbie was able to explain why Rachel's older brothers were so fascinated by it, but she was never able to do so before her acrimonious dispute with Kevin Fernandez aka KFern began. The others were able to accept her being on fire while not liking the person she was directing it at because she was very honest about how much she disliked the way the other was playing the game.
At that point, all she had was her unbreakable allegiance to Gianna, who was the twin JoJo and Nicky Scarlotta, and her dreams of building trust with Garret Caillouet and Jadejha Edwards.

What happened to 'The Circle' Season 7 star Savannah Miller?
Savannah was the victim of a tragic auto accident in August 2020. Following a number of costly tests and an evaluation of Savannah's head injuries sustained in the vehicle accident, medical professionals discovered a tumor growing in her brain.
As you may expect, Savannah's life was drastically altered by this news. Eventually, in July 2021, Savannah had her removal procedure performed by a top surgeon after a flurry of phone calls and appointments.
To aid with the financial burden of this treatment and the necessary follow-up sessions, her friends organized a fundraiser.

Episodes 1-4 of 'The Circle' Season 7 are now streaming on Netflix