Is Kevin Fernandez the new villain in 'The Circle' Season 7? Multi-alliance puts KFern on rivals's radar
ATLANTA, GEORGIA: Season 7 of 'The Circle' has just released four episodes, but already there is an incredible amount of drama! As a number of coalitions come together, the tension is building as Kevin Fernandez positions himself to be the season antagonist.
Despite the pandemonium, there is some very beautiful flirtation going on between hopefuls like Kevin, nicknamed KFern, and Savannah Miller. These two 20-somethings hit it off almost immediately, with Savannah even jokingly referring to Kevin as her dog's potential stepfather. However, just as their flirting spark is building up, Kevin blocks Savannah from 'The Circle', making everyone reconsider their allegiance with him.
Kevin Fernandez blocks Savannah Miller despite strong alliance on 'The Circle' Season 7
Gianna aka Nicky and Jojo Scarlotta and Kevin both gain power in the third episode, but they disagree over who should be blocked from the game. Gianna's interests are very different from Kevin's, who is thinking about his brothers and Savannah, while Gianna wants to defend her ally Rachel aka Debbie Schwartzberg Levy.
They argue back and forth for a while before coming to an agreement to keep Savannah out of 'The Circle'. Savannah is enraged when top-ranked player Kevin breaks the news in the #CircleChat. This move sure flustered Savannah (who always ranked Kevin the highest, even after getting her heartbroken) as much as did the viewers. The two hit it off right away, and she always had her back, which included standing up for him in a group chat.
When Kevin says he "doesn't feel good" about blocking her, several of the other players—particularly Darian Holt, who was aware of Kevin's affection for Savannah—contemplate. Kevin sure broke his alliance with Savannah by not protecting her from elimination right after trying to make it up to her by not inviting her to his private party. This proves Kevin may not be the one basket you want to put all your eggs in.
Kevin Fernandez takes no accountability for Savannah Miller's elimination from 'The Circle' Season 7
When Savannah is given the opportunity to meet one of the other players in person, she immediately goes to Kevin. She informs him that her adorable puppy, Samson, is no longer Kevin's stepson.
"That's wild! You're gonna switch up like that?!" Kevin responds with amazement. Savannah then questions Kevin why he blocked her, and he says that Gianna was "so salty" since Savannah and Andy aka Heather Richardson had attempted to block her in the previous round. "Not apologizing was a whole thing," he voiced. "We brought up Andy, right? And she's like, Andy tried to block me, but he apologized after." Savannah expressed, "I should've apologized, but I thought she was fine 'cause she got to stay."
Kevin tries to blame Savannah for not apologizing to Gianna earlier, not admitting he couldn't let go of his bro code with Andy and Darian. He even mentioned how his too many alliances had made things difficult, not long before dumping Savannah at the first chance he got. Following his admission that he had been attempting to block Rachel, Savannah alerts Kevin to the fact that she had been "talking smack" about him in the group chat. "Rachel was like, is he as genuine as we think, or did he just invite Gianna to the party for part of his game? #YesImThatBitch," she informs Kevin.
Savannah continues, telling him, "I stood up for you, I said, Kevin's genuine. I have a crush on him." To Kevin's surprise, Savannah affirms that she "did" have a crush on him. Looking obviously shocked, he replies, "You did have a crush on me?" "Not anymore," she responds. Any hope for a #CircleRomance is gone, we guess! Finally owning up to his mistakes, Kevin ends by wishing Savannah well. Even though Savannah continued to stand up for Kevin, it was not a two-way street after all.
Kevin Fernandez burnt Savannah Miller to defend his 'The Circle' Season 7 'bros'
Kevin isn't having any of Gianna's portrayal of him as the villain in the #CircleChat later on. "It wasn't like I blocked Savannah by myself," he claps back. "I told Gianna that Savannah and I had a strong bond and I wanted to keep her." "TBH, Gianna wanted to send one of my bros home," Kevin says. "But no way was I gonna let that happen. #HadToCompromise."
As much as Kevin wants to scream he was having his bros's backs, he sure didn't have Savannah's.
Episodes 1-4 of 'The Circle' Season 7 are streaming on Netflix right now