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'Land of Women': All the characters ranked, and why Fred isn't #1

In 'Land of Women', Gala and Julia face various problems in La Muga while trying to make a living
From Kate to Julia to Gala, all the characters of 'Land of Women' are ranked (@appletv+)
From Kate to Julia to Gala, all the characters of 'Land of Women' are ranked (@appletv+)

BARCELONA, SPAIN: All the episodes of 'Land of Women' have officially dropped on Apple TV+, bringing Gala's (Eva Longoria) story in La Muga to a conclusion. 

The series wraps up her journey with a satisfying end, showcasing the challenges and triumphs she experienced while trying to build a new life in the Spanish town.

'Land of Women' centers around Gala, who enjoys a luxurious life in New York City until her husband, Fred (James Purefoy), borrows $15 million from criminals.

As Gala is about to launch her wine business, she uncovers Fred’s debt and decides to relocate with her daughter, Kate (Victoria Bazua), and her mother, Julia (Carmen Maura), to La Muga.

In La Muga, she tries to build a new life with the help of Amat (Santiago Cabrera). Gala assists him with his wine business to earn money.

Let's rank the characters in 'Land of Women' based on their impact and development throughout the series.

1. Julia

Carmen Maura as Julia in a still from 'Land of Women' (@appletv+)
Carmen Maura as Julia in a still from 'Land of Women' (@appletv+)

Julia, Gala’s mother, stands out as the best character in 'Land of Women' due to her deeply caring and loving nature.

She is always attentive to the needs of her family, providing support and guidance in their times of difficulty. Julia’s dedication to her loved ones is a central aspect of her character.

She is direct and candid, never speaking ill of others behind their backs. Julia dares to put people in their place when necessary. She is also known for her sense of humor, often laughing and making others laugh along with her.

She is a good mother and grandmother. During difficult times, instead of considering abortion, she chose to build a new life as a single mother.

2. Amat

Santiago Cabrera as Amat in a still from 'Land of Women' (@appletv+)
Santiago Cabrera as Amat in a still from 'Land of Women' (@appletv+)

Amat is such a gentleman in 'Land of Women' that viewers can’t help but love him. He always helps others without thinking about himself, even if it means enduring hardships.

When Amat first met Gala, she caused a commotion by accidentally ruining his wine with her car. However, upon learning that Gala had no place to stay, Amat offered her his house. He also started taking care of Gala's family.

When Amat learned that Gala had no money, he offered her a job at his wine business and listened to her advice on how to expand it, even though Gala was rude to him initially.

3. Gala

Eva Longoria as Gala in a still from 'Land of Women' (@appletv+)
Eva Longoria as Gala in a still from 'Land of Women' (@appletv+)

Gala is one of the best characters in 'Land of Women'. At the beginning of the series, Gala’s life in New York City seems perfect, but it quickly unravels when her husband’s critical mistake forces her into a difficult situation.

Her transition from a glamorous lifestyle to facing financial and personal challenges in La Muga highlights her adaptability and strength.

Gala’s strong will to protect her family, especially her daughter Kate, and to start a new life for herself shows just how strong her character is. Moreover, Gala always behaves kindly toward others, even when other women in La Muga despise her.

She is also a good daughter because, when criminals came looking for Fred, Gala did everything she could to protect her mother, who has dementia.

4. Kate

Victoria Bazua as Kate in a still from 'Land of Women' (@appletv+)
Victoria Bazua as Kate in a still from 'Land of Women' (@appletv+)

Kate (Victoria Bazua) is a sweetheart and has a remarkable ability to love everyone equally. Her kindness and warmth make her a beloved character in the series. She approaches everyone with an open heart and treats people with genuine affection, regardless of their status.

When she finds out how her dad ruined Gala's life, she decides to stay in La Muga to support her mother, even though she never liked the place.

Even if she feels sad, she always treats her mother and grandmother with love. She takes care of her grandmother and never views dementia as a struggle but as an opportunity to grow closer to Julia.

5. Andreu

Pep Anton Muñoz as Andreu in a still from 'Land of Women' Episode 3 (@appletv+)
Pep Anton Muñoz as Andreu in a still from 'Land of Women' (@appletv+)

Andreu (Pep Anton Muñoz), Julia's ex-lover, is a caring man who genuinely loves and supports those around him. Whether it's through small acts of kindness or significant gestures, Andreu consistently demonstrates his affection and concern for the people in his life.

In his youth, Andreu was fond of Julia. When Julia left and returned after several years, he did not hold any grudges against her. Instead, he treated her with kindness and love.

When Andreu discovered that he might be Gala's father, instead of running away, he chose to help Julia. He never belittled Julia for having slept with several men during her youth.

Unlike others who might have reacted with judgment or avoidance, Andreu's response is marked by empathy and compassion. This makes Andreu one of the sweetest characters in the series.

6. Mariona

Gloria Muñoz as Mariona in a still from 'Land of Women' (@appletv+)
Gloria Muñoz as Mariona in a still from 'Land of Women' (@appletv+)

Mariona (Gloria Muñoz), Julia's sister and Andreu's wife, may have seemed rude at the beginning, but she loves her family deeply.

Mariona always wanted to stay close to her sister, and Julia’s departure from La Muga deeply affected her. When Julia left and failed to keep in touch with letters, Mariona felt abandoned and became sad and distant.

However, when Julia returned and Mariona discovered the secrets, she chose to forgive Julia. Despite learning that Julia had slept with her husband, Andreu, in the past, Mariona forgave her in 'Land of Women' Episode 5.

7. Montse

Ariadna Gil as Montse in a still from 'Land of Women' (@appletv+)
Ariadna Gil as Montse in a still from 'Land of Women' (@appletv+)

Though Montse (Ariadna Gil) doesn't have much screen time, it is known that she runs a bar in La Muga where she sells wine. Her bar is a local hangout spot and contributes to the town's social and economic life. Additionally, Montse is involved in a secret relationship with Amat.

Montse is known for her sweetness and helpful nature towards everyone. She approaches interactions with kindness. Her willingness to assist others makes her a beloved figure in La Muga.

Despite learning that Amat is deeply involved with Gala, both personally and in business, Montse remains gracious and does not express any bitterness towards Gala.

8. Fred

James Purefoy as Fred in a still from 'Land of Women' (@appletv+)
James Purefoy as Fred in a still from 'Land of Women' (@appletv+)

Fred (James Purefoy) is the worst character in the series due to his actions that significantly impact those around him. 

His most egregious mistake was taking a $15 million loan from a criminal organization, a decision that put his family's safety and well-being at great risk. This reckless move sets off a chain of events that forces Gala to leave her comfortable life in New York City and move to La Muga with their daughter. 

Fred’s decision to leave his family in such a dangerous situation highlights his irresponsibility and lack of regard for the consequences of his actions.

Instead of confronting his problems or finding a solution, he abandons his family, leaving them to deal with the fallout of his financial misjudgments and criminal entanglements.

When he returns to La Muga, Fred tries to make amends and improve the situation, but this doesn’t change the fact that, for most of the time, the family has had to deal with their problems on their own without money and a living place. 

How to stream 'Land of Women'?

Eva Longoria, Victoria Bazúa and Carmen Maura in a still from 'Land of Women' (@appletv+)
Eva Longoria as Gala, Victoria Bazúa as Kate and Carmen Maura as Julia in a still from 'Land of Women' (@appletv+)

All episodes of 'Land of Women' are currently available for streaming on Apple TV+.

With a competitive pricing structure, enjoy all the entertainment Apple TV+ has to offer at a monthly subscription cost, making premium content accessible to a broad audience.

The base price of Apple TV+ is $9.99 per month. For this fee, viewers gain access to the platform's full library of original series and movies.

'Land of Women' trailer