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'Land of Women' Episode 4 Takeaway: Fred's betrayal sets dangerous trap for one key character

'Land of Women' is a comedy drama thriller series created by Ramón Campos
Fred's betrayal to wreak havoc in 'Land of Women' (@appletv+)
Fred's betrayal to wreak havoc in 'Land of Women' (@appletv+)

Contains spoilers for 'Land of Women' Episode 4

BARCELONA, SPAIN: 'Land of Women' is getting more intense with each episode, revealing a web of secrets waiting to unravel.

As Gala (Eva Longoria) navigates the financial turmoil caused by her husband's actions, each revelation introduces new challenges and unexpected twists.

Gala once enjoyed a luxurious and ideal life in New York City. However, everything turned upside down when her husband, Fred (James Purefoy), borrowed $15 million from a criminal organization.

Gala left New York City and arrived in La Muga to protect her daughter, Kate (Victoria Bazua), and her mother, Julia (Carmen Maura).

In 'Land of Women' Episode 4, Fred's betrayal poses a significant danger to Gala and her family. There's a lot to uncover. So, let's jump in!

Is Fred cheating on Gala?

Fred leaves Gala in trouble in 'Land of Women' Episode 1 (@appletv+)
James Purefoy as Fred and Eva Longoria as Gala in a still from 'Land of Women' (@appletv+)

'Land of Women' Episode 4 finally sheds light on Fred's character, revealing his motivations, actions, and the consequences of his decisions.

'Land of Women' Episode 4 opens with a flashback to Kate's birth with Fred in Mexico, leaving pregnant Gala alone.

Gala calls Julia for support during childbirth, seeking reassurance and guidance as she navigates the challenges and emotions of bringing her child into the world.

Julia didn't attend Gala and Fred's wedding because she saw Fred flirting with an event planner.

This sheds light on Fred's true nature, suggesting the possibility that he was in Mexico cheating on Gala when she needed his support the most.

His absence during such a crucial time in Gala's life raises questions about his priorities and commitment to their marriage.

Eva Longoria as Gala and Carmen Maura as Julia in a still from 'Land of Women' Episode 1 (@appletv+)
Eva Longoria as Gala and Carmen Maura as Julia in a still from 'Land of Women' (@appletv+)

In 'Land of Women' Episode 3, Gala discovers through Fred's email that he has been involved with another woman who was wearing her necklace.

This revelation shakes Gala, exposing Fred's infidelity and betrayal in a deeply personal way. 

Though Gala didn't uncover intimate details, it becomes increasingly apparent in Episode 4 that Fred has been unfaithful long before the recent revelations.

Flirting with another woman at their wedding suggests that Fred may have never loved Gala. It's possible that Fred knowingly left Gala in a dangerous situation because he wanted to end their marriage. 

This behavior could indicate Fred's desire to create circumstances that lead to a separation or divorce, either to pursue his interests freely or to escape the responsibilities and challenges of their marriage.

James Purefoy as Fred in a still from 'Land of Women' (@appletv+)
James Purefoy as Fred in a still from 'Land of Women' (@appletv+)

Fred's decision to borrow $15 million from a criminal organization to invest in Gala's wine business also raises significant questions about his motives and actions.

By involving himself in financial dealings with illicit groups, Fred may be setting the stage to separate from Gala.

Will Gala ever find Fred?

Gala's closest relatives to plot against her in 'Land of Women' (@appletv+)
Eva Longoria as Gala in a still from 'Land of Women' (@appletv+)

Fred's debt to a criminal organization puts Gala and her family's safety at risk, tying them to dangerous individuals who could threaten their well-being and security in La Muga.

In 'Land of Women' Episode 4, Gala is confronted by two men from the criminal organization who demand that she speak to their boss.

During the video call, Gala learns the truth: Fred owes a significant amount of money to Tony (Ben Temple).

After checking Fred's emails, Gala discovers that he has taken his mistress to the place where he had originally promised to take Gala for their anniversary.

Gala shares this information with Tony, but it seems unlikely that Tony will catch Fred there. Fred is incredibly intelligent and has been in hiding for a long time, making it challenging for Tony to locate him.

It's also possible that Fred and his lover have been playing a game all along through their email exchanges, potentially hiding their actual location.

The emails could be part of their strategy to deceive both Tony and Gala, casting doubt on Fred's real location and complicating efforts to apprehend him.

Kate's quest for finding way back to her home leads to tension with Gala in 'Land of Women' (@appletv+)
Eva Longoria as Gala and Victoria Bazua as Kate in a still from 'Land of Women' (@appletv+)

If Tony fails to locate Fred, Gala may find herself responsible for paying off the debt, which could pose a significant challenge.

The amount owed is substantial, and Gala's financial situation is already precarious, as she doesn't have enough money to rent a house. It would be intriguing to see how Tony and Gala eventually locate Fred. 

'Land of Women' Episode 4 is now streaming on Apple TV+.