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'Land of Women' Episode 4: Dark truth from past could break one strong bond

'Land of Women' revolves around three women whose circumstances lead them to La Muga
The discovery of a long-hidden truth casts a shadow over Julia's life in 'Land of Women' (@appletv+)
The discovery of a long-hidden truth casts a shadow over Julia's life in 'Land of Women' (@appletv+)

Contains spoilers for 'Land of Women' Episode 4

BARCELONA, SPAIN: Ever since the premiere of 'Land of Women', Julia (Carmen Maura) has been portrayed as an open and outspoken character, which has made her widely disliked by people in La Muga. 

It seems Julia's sister, Mariona (Gloria Muñoz), will become her new enemy, as a secret might threaten their already strained relationship. Mariona already dislikes Julia, and this revelation could further deepen the rift between them.

Their relationship is already hostile because Julia left La Muga and never kept in touch with Mariona. In 'Land of Women' Episode 3, Mariona finds out that Julia had a sexual relationship with Andreu (Pep Anton Muñoz), Mariona's husband.

Carmen Maura as Julia in a still from 'Land of Women' (@appletv+)
Carmen Maura as Julia in a still from 'Land of Women' (@appletv+)

However, this is not the only thing that could make them enemies. There's another secret that could further complicate their relationship.

Andreu's long-buried secret threatens to further divide sisters Julia and Mariona

Pep Anton Muñoz as Andreu in a still from 'Land of Women' Episode 3 (@appletv+)
Pep Anton Muñoz as Andreu in a still from 'Land of Women' (@appletv+)

In 'Land of Women' Episode 3, Julia initially believed that Andreu was Gala's (Eva Longoria) biological father and tried to extort money from him. However, her sister Mariona later revealed that this could not be the case because Andreu is sterile.

In 'Land of Women' Episode 4, Andreu confesses to Julia that he is not sterile; he lied because Mariona is unable to conceive a child. This means he could potentially be Gala's father.

Andreu has kept this secret hidden for years, ensuring that Mariona remains unaware of the truth. His lie about being sterile was a protective measure to shield Mariona from the painful reality of her infertility.

If Mariona discovers the truth, she would likely see Julia as her enemy and seek to undermine her. The revelation that Andreu could potentially be Gala's father would shatter Mariona's trust and ignite feelings of betrayal.

This could lead Mariona to retaliate against Julia, possibly trying to ruin her reputation or sabotage her relationships within the community of La Muga.

Gloria Muñoz as Mariona in a still from 'Land of Women' (@appletv+)
Gloria Muñoz as Mariona in a still from 'Land of Women' (@appletv+)

Above all, if Mariona finds out that she is the one who cannot have child, it would deeply hurt her. Seeing Julia potentially carrying Andreu's child while she herself cannot, would likely exacerbate Mariona's feelings of sadness. 

Feeling resentful towards Julia and Andreu for keeping such a significant secret from her, Mariona could insist that Julia and her family leave La Muga.

If they refuse to comply, Mariona might use her influence and connections within the community to make life difficult.

Additionally, Mariona might approach Amat (Santiago Cabrera) and request that he exclude Julia and her family from his home and wine business. This action would further isolate Julia and Andreu, cutting off their ties to important community resources. 

Will Julia leave La Muga?

Carmen Maura as Julia in a still from 'Land of Women' (@appletv+)
Carmen Maura as Julia in a still from 'Land of Women' (@appletv+)

Given Julia's fierce nature, she would likely refuse to leave La Muga and instead choose to confront the situation head-on by explaining her side to everyone.

Andreu is already committed to taking care of Gala, firmly believing that he is her father, and he shows no signs of wavering from this responsibility.

This would only strengthen Julia's resolve, bolstering her determination to navigate the challenges ahead with Andreu's help. On the other hand, Mariona's anger would intensify upon witnessing Andreu's immense commitment to Julia.

As tensions escalate, the dynamics between Julia, Andreu, and Mariona would become increasingly complex. Let's not forget that the local priest has also expressed a desire to take care of Gala, believing he might be her father.

With multiple potential paternal figures vying for Gala's attention, Julia would be unlikely to leave La Muga. Instead, this complex situation would likely intensify the rivalry between Julia and Mariona.

How to stream 'Land of Women'?

Eva Longoria as Gala, Victoria Bazua as Kate, Carmen Maura as Julia in a still from 'Land of Women' (@appletv+)
Eva Longoria as Gala, Victoria Bazua as Kate, Carmen Maura as Julia in 'Land of Women' (@appletv+)

'Land of Women' Episodes 1-4 are currently available for streaming on Apple TV+. New Episodes of 'Land of Women' will be released every Wednesday, offering viewers a weekly dose of drama, comedy, romance, and suspense.

With a competitive pricing structure, enjoy all the entertainment Apple TV+ has to offer at a monthly subscription cost, making premium content accessible to a broad audience.

The base price of Apple TV+ is $9.99 per month. For this fee, viewers gain access to the platform's full library of original series and movies.

'Land of Women' trailer