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What to expect from 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 Episode 6? Here's what we know

'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 revolves around the dynamics of Kingstown, which is heavily influenced by the local prison sector
Here's what  to expect from Jeremy Renner starrer 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 Episode 6 (@paramount+)
Here's what to expect from Jeremy Renner starrer 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 Episode 6 (@paramount+)

Contains spoilers for 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 Episode 5 and speculations for Episode 6

KINGSTOWN, MICHIGAN: 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3, Episode 5, titled 'Iris', officially dropped on Paramount+ on Sunday, June 30. 

In 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3, Episode 4, titled 'Rag Doll', a significant development unfolds as Mike McLusky (Jeremy Renner) finally encounters Merle Callahan (Richard Brake), the leader of the Aryan Brotherhood. The fifth episode delves into Konstantin's (Yorick van Wageningen) past relationship with Iris (Emma Laird). 

It appears that 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 Episode 5 may lead to the tying up of all loose ends. As the storyline progresses, significant revelations about the characters' pasts and their intertwined relationships could come to light, potentially resolving ongoing mysteries.

What happened in 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 Episode 5?

Emma Laird as Iris and Yorick van Wageningen as Konstantin in a still from 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 Episode 5 (@paramount+)
Emma Laird as Iris and Yorick van Wageningen as Konstantin in a still from 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 Episode 5 (@paramount+)

In 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3, Episode 5, Kyle McLusky (Taylor Handley) opts to join the SWAT team. Gunshots are fired, and officers are struck, but it turns out to be a simulated training drill that Kyle participates in. Robert (Hamish Allan-Headley) commends Kyle for his performance during the training session.

Evelyn Foley (Necar Zadegan), the Assistant District Attorney, informs Mike about the analysis of the drug that led to several deaths among its users. The analysis revealed traces of methamphetamine and opioids mixed into the heroin. Konstantin is under suspicion because the drugs are of Russian origin. Mike assures Evelyn that he will handle everything and leaves.

However, Bunny Washington (Tobi Bamtefa) ignores Mike's call, muttering to himself, "It's too little, too late." He inspects the men packing the drugs and then receives a tour of a stockpile of weapons. He plans to retaliate against Konstantin, believing that he contaminated his drug supply with lethal additives that caused multiple deaths within Kingstown.

Later in the episode, Iris goes to a club to meet Konstantin. He appears pleased to see her and displays a level of concern for her safety. Mike visits Konstantin's place and requests a moment to have a conversation. Konstantin invites him to speak in the presence of Iris, with neither Mike nor Iris acknowledging their familiarity with each other.

Mike urges Konstantin to cease contaminating street drugs, but Konstantin denies involvement. Mike then instructs Konstantin to stop targeting Bunny. However, the gunfire erupts at the location.

Yorick van Wageningen as Konstantin and Jeremy Renner as Mike McLusky in a still from 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 (@paramount+)
Yorick van Wageningen as Konstantin and Jeremy Renner as Mike McLusky in a still from 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 (@paramount+)

Gunfire echoes through the tense atmosphere as Bunny's forces unleash a barrage of bullets, aiming to assert dominance and take revenge on Konstantin. 

Ian Ferguson (Hugh Dillon) arrives at the scene, expressing concern that Mike nearly got himself killed. Ian is prepared to arrest Bunny immediately, but Mike jokingly assures him that the gunfire wasn't aimed at him. Mike asserts that he will take charge of the situation.

As the episode unfolds, Mike advises Konstantin not to seek revenge. Konstantin assures Mike that when he takes action, it is always with a purpose.

Later on, Mike and Ian question Iris at the station, and Mike is puzzled by her involvement in Konstantin's operation. She explains that she’s doing it because Konstantin poses a threat to Mike. She wants to help Mike by pretending to be with Konstantin.

Emma Laird as Iris in a still from 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 (@paramount+)
Emma Laird as Iris in a still from 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 (@paramount+)

Mike and Ian hold a secret meeting with Iris, explaining precisely the type of information they need about Konstantin. Ian attempts to persuade her to wear a wire, but Iris declines, fearing that Konstantin will discover it and kill her. Later, Mike gives a burner phone to Iris and instructions on how to use it. 

Iris visits Konstantin at his place, where they have a drink and eventually kiss. Konstantin then demonstrates to Iris how his drug operation functions. Later, Konstantin drops Iris off at her house. Using the secret burner phone provided by Mike, Iris calls him and discloses that the Aryan Brotherhood and Konstantin are working together to supply drugs.

What to expect from 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 Episode 6?

Bunny Washington's action may put Mike McLusky in jeopardy

Jeremy Renner and Tobi Bamtefa in 'Mayor of Kingstown' (@paramountplus)
Jeremy Renner as Mike McLusky and Tobi Bamtefa as Bunny Washington in a still from 'Mayor of Kingstown' (@paramount+)

Bunny is furious because Konstantin attempted to contaminate his drugs, prompting him to retaliate by attacking Konstantin's place. However, it appears that Bunny is not done and may take further actions to harm Konstantin.

The escalating tension between the two suggests that Bunny is prepared to go to greater lengths to undermine Konstantin's operations and protect his own interests. Bunny is willing to do anything to protect his drug business. His next moves could involve more direct confrontations or strategic attacks against Konstantin's network.

He might try to contaminate Konstantin's drugs as an act of revenge. The rivalry between Konstantin and Bunny could have serious consequences for Mike.

If Bunny retaliates, Konstantin might go to any lengths to protect his business, potentially leading to increased violence in Kingstown. The escalating conflict could create a chaotic and dangerous environment, making it difficult for Mike to maintain balance and peace in Kingstown.

Iris's loyalty to Mike McLusky endangers her life

Jeremy Renner as Mike McLusky and Emma Laird as Iris in a still from 'Mayor of Kingstown' (Paramount/@emersonmiller)

Konstantin is ruthless when it comes to betrayal, showing no hesitation in killing those who deceive him. If he discovers that Iris is double-crossing him by aiding Mike and playing games, he could resort to extreme measures, potentially killing her.

Konstantin's merciless nature and desire to maintain control over his operations make him a formidable threat.

Konstantin's feelings for Iris run deep, and her betrayal could profoundly devastate him. The fallout from such a betrayal could not only endanger Iris but also create a dangerous situation in Kingstown.

Iris's death could intensify Mike's determination to bring justice to those responsible, potentially escalating the conflict further. Mike would likely blame himself for involving her in such perilous circumstances, grappling with feelings of guilt and regret. 

Merle Callahan may try to kill Mike McLusky and his family

Mayor Mike McLusky encounters Merle Callahan in 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 Episode 4 (@paramount+)
 Jeremy Renner as Mike McLusky and Richard Brake as Merle Callahan in a still from 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 (@paramount+)

Merle's potential threat to Mike and his family could escalate tensions to a dangerous level in 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 Episode 6. 

As the leader of the Aryan Brotherhood, Merle holds significant power and influence within the criminal underworld of Kingstown. If Mike intervenes between Merle's plan to target Bunny and his drug business, Merle could resort to extreme measures.

If Merle decides to target Mike and his family, it could result in devastating consequences. His resources within the Aryan Brotherhood, including loyal followers and access to illicit activities, provide him with the means to carry out such a threat effectively.

Merle is so cruel that he wouldn't hesitate to kill Mike's nephew if it served his purposes. Such a scenario could lead to a heightened state of paranoia in Kingstown, as Mike strives to protect his family from Merle's relentless pursuit.

How to stream 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 Episode 6?

Jeremy Renner as Mike McLusky and Necar Zadegan as Evelyn in a still from 'Mayor of Kingstown' (Paramount/@dennispmongjr)
Jeremy Renner as Mike McLusky and Necar Zadegan as Evelyn in a still from 'Mayor of Kingstown' (Paramount/@dennispmongjr)

'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 Episode 6 is set to premiere on Paramount+ on Sunday, July 7, 2024.

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'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 trailer