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'Mayor of Kingstown': Mike's strange affinity for Anna even leaves Evelyn with questions

'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 revolves around the dynamics of Kingstown, which is heavily influenced by the local prison sector
UPDATED JUN 26, 2024
Evelyn wonders about the underlying reasons behind Mike's strong support for Anna in 'Mayor of Kingstown' (@paramount+)
Evelyn wonders about the underlying reasons behind Mike's strong support for Anna in 'Mayor of Kingstown' (@paramount+)

Contains spoilers for 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3

KINGSTOWN, MICHIGAN: 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 delves deeper into the power struggles between various factions in Kingstown, including law enforcement, gangs, and prison inmates.

'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 introduces several new characters, including a mysterious woman Anna Fletcher (Paula Malcomson). 

Though her true background remains largely undisclosed, her intriguing behavior and character development hint at deeper layers to her persona. 

Why did Mike McLusky turn up at Anna Fletcher's arraignment?

Jeremy Renner starrer 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3, Episode 4 falls short of expectations (@paramount+)
Jeremy Renner as Mike McLusky in a still from 'Mayor of Kingstown' (@paramount+)

In 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3, Episode 2, Anna confides in Mike McLusky (Jeremy Renner), revealing that her son was killed by a close friend, and the perpetrator might soon be released.

Despite the parole board's decision, Anna urged Mike to prevent the killer from being freed. However, Mike was unable to change the parole board's decision. Later, Anna took matters into her own hands.

She tracked down the young boy whom she claimed had killed her son and confronted him at the bus stop. In a shocking turn of events, Anna shot the boy, resulting in his death.

In 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3, Episode 4, Anna's arraignment took place, addressing the serious charge of her shooting the boy.

Mike also attended the arraignment where Anna confessed to killing her son's murderer, stating she would do it all over again, and pleaded guilty.

Later, Mike asked Assistant District Attorney Evelyn (Necar Zadegan) to try to prevent Anna from receiving a life sentence, arguing that she is not a murderer but rather someone grieving her son's death.

Mike expressed that Anna reminds him of his mother and requested Evelyn to reduce Anna's charges to second-degree manslaughter. Evelyn was visibly shocked upon hearing Mike's impassioned plea.

Paula Malcomson as Anna Fletcher in ' Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 (@paramount+)
Paula Malcomson as Anna Fletcher in a still from 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 (@paramount+)

His request to downgrade Anna's charges to second-degree manslaughter, along with his comparison of Anna to his mother, indicates Mike's strong liking for Anna. 

It appears that Mike believes Anna's actions, motivated by grief over her son's death and a sense of justice, did not justify a more severe charge like murder.

Given that Mike's mother is dead, it's plausible that witnessing Anna's strength reminded him of her.

Mike's mother also possessed a strong sense of justice and bravery, qualities that deeply resonated with Mike throughout his life.

Seeing Anna exhibit similar traits in her quest for justice for her son must have stirred deep emotions within him.

Another aspect is that Mike has been surrounded by violent individuals in Kingstown, making the sight of a mother exhibiting both softness and a strong sense of justice particularly impactful.

In a town rife with violence and corruption, Mike has likely encountered numerous hardened individuals whose actions often lack empathy or remorse.

Witnessing Anna, a grieving mother who demonstrates compassion alongside her determination for justice, must have touched his heart.

Can Mike McLusky and Evelyn save Anna Fletcher?

Jeremy Renner as Mike McLusky and Necar Zadegan as Evelyn in a still from 'Mayor of Kingstown' (Paramount/@dennispmongjr)
Jeremy Renner as Mike McLusky and Necar Zadegan as Evelyn in a still from 'Mayor of Kingstown' (Paramount/@dennispmongjr)

As the District Attorney (DA), Evelyn wields significant authority and discretion in the legal system, including the power to decide and negotiate charges in criminal cases such as Anna's.

Given her position, Evelyn can review the circumstances of Anna's case, consider mitigating factors such as motive and emotional distress, and make informed decisions about the appropriate charges.

In Anna's situation, where her actions were driven by grief over her son's murder and a desire for justice, Evelyn may use these factors against the severity of the initial charge. 

Additionally, Mike's plea for Evelyn to consider reducing Anna's charges to second-degree manslaughter carries considerable influence.

Together, Mike and Evelyn possess significant influence and authority that could potentially prevent Anna from serving a lifetime sentence for her actions.

As a respected figure within Kingstown's law enforcement, Mike's advocacy for Anna could sway public opinion and influence how her case is perceived by the legal system.

How to stream 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3?

Jeremy Renner as Mike McLusky in a still from Mayor of Kingstown (@paramount+)
Jeremy Renner as Mike McLusky in a still from 'Mayor of Kingstown' (@paramount+)

The first four episodes of 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 are currently available for streaming on Paramount+. New episodes of 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 are released every Sunday.

Don't have a Paramount+ subscription? Worry not! We have got you covered. Paramount+ Essential plan, priced at $5.99 per month, offers subscribers access to a wide range of content but includes ads during streaming.

Paramount+ with Showtime plan, priced at $11.99 per month, provides an ad-free streaming experience and includes access to Showtime's premium content library.

'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 trailer