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Why 'Vikings: Valhalla' Season 3 must address Canute's storyline and tie up loose ends

Discover the secrets of Canute's alliances and ambitions in 'Vikings: Valhalla' Season 3
Season 3 of 'Vikings: Valhalla' might uncover Canute's fate and his impact on Viking legacies (@netflix)
Season 3 of 'Vikings: Valhalla' might uncover Canute's fate and his impact on Viking legacies (@netflix)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: In 'Vikings: Valhalla,' Season 3 faces the crucial challenge of addressing the intricate storyline of King Canute, a pivotal historical figure whose ambitions and actions shaped the course of Viking history.

Set against the backdrop of post-Viking Age turmoil, the series has intricately woven a complex tapestry of characters and conflicts. However, Canute's narrative thread remains crucially unfinished.

Introduced as a strategic leader with ambitions to conquer London and secure power through marriage to Queen Emma, Canute's alliances and machinations have been central to the political intrigue of the show.

His absence from Season 2 left significant questions unanswered, particularly regarding his pivotal role in shaping the future of Norway and England.

As Leif Erikson, Freydis Eiríksdóttir, and Harald Sigurdsson navigate their personal and political ambitions, Canute's storyline stands as a bridge between past Viking legends and the evolving landscape of medieval Europe.

As viewers anticipate the series' conclusion, the spotlight on Canute's fate is crucial to fully understanding the impact of Viking legacies on the shaping of European history.

Shifting focus in 'Vikings: Valhalla' Season 2 sets the stage for Season 3

Unravel the legacy of King Canute in 'Vikings: Valhalla' Season 3 as his strategic maneuvers reshape Viking history (@netflix)
A still from 'Vikings: Valhalla'(@netflix)

In 'Vikings: Valhalla,' Season 2 diverged from its focus on King Canute, a central figure in Season 1 whose strategic maneuvers and ambitions dominated the storyline.

After his pivotal role in securing England's throne through marriage to Queen Emma, Canute's absence from much of Season 2 left a notable gap in the narrative.

While key events unfolded across Europe and Scandinavia—such as Leif and Harald's journey to Novgorod and Constantinople, Freydis' disillusionment in Jomsborg, and Queen Emma's pursuit of her would-be assassin Canute's presence was relegated to intermittent appearances.

Initially established as the leader of the Viking invasion and subsequent King of England, Canute's return in Season 2, marked by political alliances and familial arrangements, highlighted his continuing influence but lacked the prominence seen in the series' early episodes.

His promise to Harald regarding the Norwegian throne added complexity to the political dynamics, underscoring Canute's role in shaping the destinies of key characters like Harald and Olaf.

While Canute's reduced screen time in Season 2 allowed other narratives to flourish, his strategic decisions and alliances remain pivotal to the overarching Viking saga.

Why 'Vikings: Valhalla' season 3 must return to Canute storyline before the series ends?

Witness Canute's return and his pivotal role in the battle for England's throne in 'Vikings: Valhalla' Season 3 (@netflix)
A still from 'Vikings: Valhalla'(@netflix)

Throughout 'Vikings: Valhalla' Season 2, King Canute took a backseat, leaving crucial aspects of his narrative unresolved. As the series approaches its conclusion in Season 3, there are pressing questions surrounding Canute that demand answers.

Viewers await a deeper exploration of Canute's activities in Denmark between seasons, shedding light on his strategic maneuvers and their impact on his reign.

Moreover, the marriage between Canute and Queen Emma remains largely unexplored, presenting a pivotal opportunity for Season 3 to delve into their dynamic and the political implications it holds for England.

Canute's promise to Harald regarding the Norwegian throne adds another layer of intrigue, especially in the aftermath of Olaf's demise at the hands of Freydis.

Central to these unresolved threads is the looming threat of Godwin, whose machinations within the royal court remain concealed from Canute.

The revelation of Godwin's true intentions and his potential influence over the throne through his marriage to Gyda could reshape the power dynamics in unforeseen ways.

As 'Vikings: Valhalla' gears up for its final season, the return to Canute's storyline is essential to provide closure and clarity, ensuring that his legacy within the series is appropriately concluded.

'Viking: Valhalla' Season 3 trailer


'Viking: Valhalla' Season 1 and 2 is available for streaming on Netflix.