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'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 Episode 6 Preview: Iris's risky game could cost her everything

'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 has been quite intense with its plot twists and character developments
Iris struggles to navigate Konstantin and Mike's deadly feud in 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 (@paramount+)
Iris struggles to navigate Konstantin and Mike's deadly feud in 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 (@paramount+)

Contains spoilers for 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 Episode 5 and speculations for Episode 6

KINGSTOWN, MICHIGAN: 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3, Episode 5 has officially dropped on Paramount+, and all the loose ends are seemingly coming together.

In 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3, the focus on Konstantin (Yorick van Wageningen) and Iris's (Emma Laird) connection suggests a pivotal development in the storyline. Konstantin's arrival and his apparent link to Iris may hold crucial information that could significantly impact Mike McLusky (Jeremy Renner) and his efforts within the complex power dynamics of Kingstown.

In 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3, Episode 4, viewers witnessed Konstantin and Merle Callahan's (Richard Brake) pact. The fifth episode delves into the personal motivations driving Konstantin and Merle, shedding light on their individual ambitions, fears, and vulnerabilities.

Let's discuss what happened in 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 Episode 5, and speculate on what might happen in Episode 6. 

What happened in 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 Episode 5?

Emma Laird as Iris in a still from 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 Episode 5 (@paramount+)
Emma Laird as Iris in a still from 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 Episode 5 (@paramount+)

In 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3, Episode 5, the storyline takes significant turns with Kyle McLusky's (Taylor Handley) decision to join the SWAT team and the authorities uncovering the truth behind the poisoned drug supply that resulted in several deaths in previous episodes.

Evelyn Foley (Necar Zadegan), the Assistant District Attorney, informs Mike about the analysis of the heroin that led to several deaths among its users. The analysis revealed traces of methamphetamine and opioids mixed into the heroin. This discovery sheds light on a dangerous trend within Kingstown's drug trade, where substances are intentionally adulterated to increase addiction and potentially maximize profits.

Mike assures Evelyn that he will handle everything following the revelation of the poisoned heroin. They share a passionate kiss and Mike leaves. 

As the episode unfolds, viewers witness Bunny Washington (Tobi Bamtefa) devising a plan to retaliate against Konstantin, believing that Konstantin contaminated his drug supply with lethal additives that caused multiple deaths within Kingstown.

In a later development in 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 Episode 5, Iris goes to meet Konstantin. Iris and Konstantin's familiarity implies a shared history that likely involves personal ties, past dealings, or mutual interests within Kingstown's complex social and criminal landscape. 

Mike also goes there and is surprised to see Iris. Mike confronts Konstantin about the contamination of Bunny's drug supplies, urging him to cease these actions to expand his criminal enterprise.

Jeremy Renner as Mike McLusky in a still from 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 Episode 5 (@paramount+)
Jeremy Renner as Mike McLusky in a still from 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 Episode 5 (@paramount+)

However, the chaos erupts as Bunny and his armed men launch a sudden attack on the location. Gunfire echoes through the tense atmosphere as Bunny's forces unleash a barrage of bullets, aiming to assert dominance and exact revenge for the tainted drug supply that resulted in deaths.

Ian Ferguson (Hugh Dillon) and other officials from the Kingstown Police Department arrive to investigate the chaotic situation. Amid the aftermath of the gunfire, Mike takes charge and advises Konstantin not to retaliate against Bunny, assuring him that he will handle the escalating conflict himself.

Later, it is revealed that Iris went to meet Konstantin with the intention of helping Mike, not betraying him. She states that she will not leave but will instead assist Mike, emphasizing that it is her choice. Mike emphasizes the danger Iris faces, warning her that they would kill her if they discovered her connection to him. 

Later, Mike meets with Bunny and advises him not to take any retaliatory action because he wants to help resolve the situation peacefully.

As the episode unfolds, Iris meets with Konstantin at his place. They share a drink and eventually share a kiss. Konstantin proceeds to show Iris how his drug operation operates, revealing the intricacies of its trade and distribution within Kingstown.

Yorick van Wageningen as Konstantin in a still from 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 Episode 5 (@paramount+)
Yorick van Wageningen as Konstantin in a still from 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 Episode 5 (@paramount+)

Later, Konstantin drops Iris off at her house. Using the secret burner phone that Mike had given her, Iris calls Mike and reveals that the Aryan Brotherhood and Konstantin are supplying drugs together.

When will 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 Episode 6 air?

Emma Laird as Iris in a still from 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 Episode 5 (@paramount+)
Emma Laird as Iris in a still from 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 Episode 5 (@paramount+)

'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 Episode 6 is set to premiere on Paramount+ on Sunday, July 7, 2024.

Don't have a Paramount+ subscription? Worry not! We have got you covered.

Paramount+ Essential plan, priced at $5.99 per month, offers subscribers access to a wide range of content but includes ads during streaming.

Paramount+ with Showtime plan, priced at $11.99 per month, provides an ad-free streaming experience and includes access to Showtime's premium content library.

What to expect from 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 Episode 6?

Emma Laird as Iris and Yorick van Wageningen as Konstantin in a still from 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 Episode 5 (@paramount+)
Emma Laird as Iris and Yorick van Wageningen as Konstantin in a still from 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 Episode 5 (@paramount+)

It seems Konstantin knows that Iris is betraying him and helping Mike. He might be using Iris as a tool to exact revenge on Mike. He may subtly guide her actions or feed her information that appears beneficial to Mike but ultimately serves his own agenda.

Knowing Iris's vulnerabilities or emotional ties, Konstantin may exploit her feelings for Mike. Realizing Iris's betrayal, Konstantin may contemplate drastic measures similar to those taken against Tatiana (Gratiela Brancusi).

Konstantin might opt to capture Iris, holding her hostage to coerce Mike into complying with his demands. Mike may attempt to intervene and disrupt the drug supply operations involving the Aryan Brotherhood and Konstantin. However, they could use Iris to thwart his efforts and maintain their illicit activities.

Konstantin and Merle's vendetta against Mike could escalate to the point where they target his family and friends, potentially causing widespread chaos. 

Such actions could lead to collateral damage and unintended consequences, sparking retaliation from Mike or triggering unforeseen alliances and conflicts within Kingstown. The ripple effects could destabilize the fragile balance of power and alliances that define the town's criminal hierarchy.

'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 Episode 5 is now streaming on Paramount+