Internet slams guests who complained BRIDE brought her kids to her own wedding

A bride has faced criticism for her decision to host a child-free wedding, where her daughters were the exception. The bride said that even after two years of marriage, the couple are "still receiving passive-aggressive comments."
Many Internet users reacted to the bride's situation on Reddit's popular "Am I the a**hole" thread and told her, "it's your wedding, you can do whatever you want."
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In a Reddit thread, the bride explained, "My partner of 12 years and I finally got married recently. We have two daughters together who are ten and two. They were the only kids at the wedding. They were only there for the ceremony, not the reception. My eldest was one of the bridesmaids and my youngest was the flower girl. It was made explicitly clear that our children were going to be involved in our wedding even when we were planning it and when we sent out invitations. It was also explicitly clear that our kids would be the only children there and that it was a child-free wedding and they wouldn’t be at the reception. We emphasised the point that the day was as much about our kids as it was about us since we’ve been together a long time. To put it selfishly, my husband and I didn’t want other people’s kids but our own there."

Describing the guests reaction, she said, "We didn’t get much criticism until the actual wedding day. Some people were quite vocal about how unfair it was that we had our kids at the ceremony and involved quite heavily and nobody else’s. The ceremony was literally about 40 minutes then my uncle took the girls back to his house as he volunteered to forgo the ceremony to look after them. Some people complained that they had to fork out money for babysitters and stuff. Just some people were kinda p****d off that they had kids similar to my oldest one’s age or slightly older who would have been fine to come to a ceremony for a few hours. For example, some have teenagers. My husband and I feel we gave everybody enough notice; almost two years, and that it was our wedding day. Others feel differently and we are still receiving passive-aggressive comments."
Many people responded to the woman's thread. One person wrote, "NTA, this was your wedding, your event, you get to decide who is invited. People who were vocal about YOUR children being there and not theirs are compete for a**holes." Another one wrote, "Ignore everyone that spoke up. That is rude as hell. Kids don't have to be invited everywhere. They didn't have to come! It's your wedding, you can do whatever you want."

"Wow. The audacity of human beings never fails to astound. It’s trashy to complain about having to seek childcare for an event like a wedding. Very much NTA. I’m glad you did your special day exactly how you wanted," wrote one Reddit user. Defending the bride, another one said, "NTA. The key is that it was YOUR wedding with YOUR children. Anyone outside of your immediate family of four who complained about not having their kids included is beyond me. I have a simple solution for anyone feeling that their children were unfairly excluded.... DON'T ATTEND the wedding. I'm sorry you had to deal with that nonsense on your special day. Congratulations on your marriage and children."