Bride does not want fiancé's 3-year-old child at wedding, calls her 'crotch goblin' and 'a mistake'

Taking care of little kids is not an easy thing to do. They are little humans who need to be patiently dealt with, which is reason enough for some people to never take on the responsibility of being a parent. And some people go out of their way to fit the "evil stepparent" mold that has been popularized by fairytales and make it more realistic than it should be. A storybook definition of "evil stepmother" was spotted by a social media user on Facebook whose post has been shared widely on Reddit. The cruel post about how a soon-to-be bride wanted her fiancé’s child out of the picture is being critiqued by Redditors.
The post that was originally posted on Facebook by an unidentified woman read: How do I tell my fionce (sic) I don’t want his daughter at our wedding? I put ‘no kids’ on the invites so I thought he’d get the point, but he keeps mentioning her being there?? As expected, people must have pointed out what a horrible person she was being to keep her fiancé’s daughter away from his big day. She went on to offer clarification for what she was talking about. And the additional information took matters from bad to worse as she revealed more information that further painted her in a bad light.

The woman went to state that the child was a three-year-old and that she was marrying her father and wanted nothing to do with his "crotch goblin." She went onto call the toddler "his mistake, not mine." As if it made her sound any better, she added that she did not want the three-year-old there because she was "needy asf" and would make everything about herself. Redditors did not miss her cold-hearted adjectives used to describe the child she would be responsible for in the near future.

One user simply stated: The groom needs to cancel the wedding ASAP. Another user agreed with them and went on to say, With her attitude, it sets up a bad environment for the groom's 3-year-old. She isn't just becoming his wife only. She will be the stepmother of that 3-year-old. Also if she has problems with the 3-year-old then I have to question her choice of marrying him. She no doubt knows that she will have to be a mother to that 3-year-old. The user also added that the groom had a bad sense of judgment, for picking a woman who did not even like his daughter. They said, Marrying her could even put his daughter in danger. What will prevent her from one day killing his daughter. Or at the least abusing her to no end. Making life a living hell. Then in turn that could cause his own daughter to hate him.

Redditor Martyrotten wrote: Lady, when you marry a man, you marry his family. The fact that you refer to his daughter as a “crotch goblin” is a major red flag and he needs to dump your sorry ass.
The evil stepmother trope popularized by the fairytale, Cinderella is now a term used by psychologists to define the strong correlation between stepparents and the high incidences of child abuse cases. Termed the Cinderella effect by forensic psychologist P. D. Scott in the early 1970s, it is theorized as the violence that children suffer at the hand of a stepparent. Scott found that in cases where a child was killed, an overwhelming percentage (52 percent) of them were committed by the child’s stepfather. Further research went on to show that non-biologically related parents are up to 100 times more likely to be abusive than biological parents.
So many ppl haven't heard of the Cinderella effect. Which always surprises me.
— Pete 🏴 (@post_liberal) July 28, 2020
While there was no update given whether the marriage was called off or not, we can only hope that the little girl is unharmed and safe.