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'Dark Matter': Leighton Vance's mysterious disappearance leaves fans guessing his fate

Leighton 2, who was last seen in 'Dark Matter' Episode 4 has left fans wondering if he would reappear in the finale
Leighton Vance from Reality 2 last appeared in Episode 4 of 'Dark Matter' (@appletv+)
Leighton Vance from Reality 2 last appeared in Episode 4 of 'Dark Matter' (@appletv+)

Contains spoilers for 'Dark Matter'

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS: As the 'Dark Matter' finale approaches, fans are racking their brains trying to predict how the mind-bending series will conclude.

Episode 7 hinted that Jason 1 (Joel Edgerton) has returned to his original reality and will now have the most-awaited confrontation with Jason 2.

Though their face-off is the most exciting hook points of the show's climax, fans are also left to wonder the fate of other pivotal characters such as Ryan Holder (Jimmi Simpson), Amanda Lucas (Alice Braga), and Leighton Vance (Dayo Okeniyi).

While we have previously discussed Ryan and Amanda, Leighton Vance's character arc also deserves our attention.

What happened in Leighton Vance in 'Dark Matter'?

Alice Braga, Joel Edgerton and Dayo Okeniyi in 'Dark Matter' (@appletv+)
Alice Braga, Joel Edgerton and Dayo Okeniyi in 'Dark Matter' (@appletv+)

Here's a quick recap: Leighton 2 tried to stop Jason 1 and Amanda 2 from escaping Reality 2 in 'Dark Matter' Episode 3. After he failed, he had no ways to prove the application of the box.

Meanwhile, he had looming threat over his head as authorities were investigating the disappearance of Jason 2, Blair Caplan and two other people.

With Jason's escapade, he knew that he would get caught sooner of later and therefore, he tried to follow Jason 1 and Amanda 2 into the box. Instead of being able to find them, he found himself trapped in liminal space.

Episode 4 was the last time he made an appearance. In the last scene, he was seen badly injured, opening the door to a disastrous world.

Since he had no clue how the box operates, he must have emptied all his ampoules trying to find Jason 1 or atleast a reality where he could survive. Unable to succeed in either of the missions, he must have died.

On the other hand, Leighton 1 from Reality 1 also entered the box after Jason 2 provided him with ampoules and instructions of how to switch between realities. This version of Leighton is well-equipped and must have found a better reality for himself.

Fans share their opinion on Leighton Vance's fate in 'Dark Matter'

Dayo Okeniyi as Leighton Vance in 'Dark Matter' (@appletv+)
Dayo Okeniyi as Leighton Vance in 'Dark Matter' (@appletv+)

Since both versions of Leighton have been missing from the narrative for the last few episodes, fans are left wondering about their eventual fate, especially of Leighton 2 who was seen struggling in superposition.

A fan took to Reddit and wrote, "What happened to the version of Leighton from Jason 2's world that entered the box to go after Jason 1 and Amanda?" He added, "Seems like a weird thread to leave dangling like that."

Another fan speculated, "When we last saw him he was badly injured and opened a door into what appeared to be a hellish world. It was clear that he had no idea how to control the box and since he was angry and vengeful and desperate he was only going to end up in increasingly worse worlds. Strongly implied that he met a terrible fate but perhaps they left it hanging so people would wonder if he was going to show up again."

The most common guess among fans is that Leighton 2 is dead. Someone commented, "It's likely he's now dead as a result of the places he ended up."

"He went into the box completely unprepared and in a very bad mood (which you should never do). Things just went downhill from there so he is most probably dead," reads a similar comment.

However, some fans also believe that Leighton 2 isn't dead and is most likely to reappear in the finale. Sharing his speculations, a Reddit user wrote, "No body not dead I believe he will come back they already showed what happens when u have somebody on ur mind so I think he will Come to their world."

Another fan contributed, "There are another two unknown people that have gone through the box that never came back. Plus, Leighton 2 and now Ryan 1 and Blair 2 who's staying put until the end of times most likely. I think that Leighton might show up again, with a vendetta. The guy is too determined, and he does not shy away from a kill. He's a bit of a Chekhov's gun."

What happens to Leighton 2 in Blake Crouch's novel?

Joel Edgerton and Dayo Okeniyi in 'Dark Matter' (@appletv+)
Joel Edgerton and Dayo Okeniyi in 'Dark Matter' (@appletv+)

You'll be quite shocked to know how Leighton Vance's character arc has been treated in the novel.

Unlike the television adaptation, Leighton 2 never chases Jason 1 and Amanda. He instead stays in his reality and disappears from the narrative.

Among many other significant changes while adapting the book into the series, Blake Crouch added more weight to Leighton's arc to make him a compelling antagonist of sorts.

How to stream 'Dark Matter'?

Joel Edgerton as Jason Dessen in 'Dark Matter' (@appletv+)
Joel Edgerton as Jason Dessen in 'Dark Matter' (@appletv+)

'Dark Matter', created by Blake Crouch, is based on his 2016 novel of the same name. The series made its premiere on Apple TV+, on May 8, 2024.

Seven episodes of 'Dark Matter' are available to stream on Apple TV+. Episode 8 and 9 will drop on June 19 and June 26 respectively.

'Dark Matter' trailer