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Who is Dee? 'Sunny' Episode 7's mysterious character's reference says a lot about Suzie Sakamoto

'Sunny' Episode 7 introduces a mysterious character named Dee and leaves viewers on a major cliffhanger
UPDATED AUG 15, 2024
Suzie Sakamoto reaches out to a mysterious character named Dee in 'Sunny' Episode 7  (@appletv+)
Suzie Sakamoto reaches out to a mysterious character named Dee in 'Sunny' Episode 7 (@appletv+)

Contains spoilers for 'Sunny' Episode 7

KYOTO, JAPAN: Apple TV+'s latest series 'Sunny' is a box full of mysteries. While viewers follow Suzie Sakamoto (Rashida Jones) as she investigates her husband's alleged death and his possible ties to the Yakuza, the show also teases an enigmatic past that has yet to be fully uncovered.

All we know is that Suzie is an American woman who abruptly left her homeland and came to Japan with no intentions of going back. Despite her long stay, she seems to have no friends or work colleagues to rely on during crucial times. However, in Episode 7 of 'Sunny', the sudden mention of a friend raises new questions and intrigue

What happened between Suzie Sakamoto and Dee in Apple TV+'s 'Sunny'?

A still from 'Sunny' Episode 7 (@appletv+)
A still from 'Sunny' Episode 7 (@appletv+)

There's a moment in 'Sunny' Episode 7 when loneliness takes over Suzie. Her mother-in-law is locked in prison while her robot, Sunny, doesn't care about her anymore. As she sits on the floor, going through the pictures and videos of her husband and son, she sends a voice message to a long-lost friend named Dee.

Suzie acknowledges that she has been a terrible friend to Dee but admits that, now that she’s going through a tough time, she deeply misses her presence. Later in the episode, Dee replies to the message and asserts that she has no intentions of patching up, stating that whatever Suzie did to her was unforgivable. It appears that Dee and Suzie once shared a close friendship, but the episode does not reveal Dee's identity or the details of what transpired between them.

How falling out with Dee has impacted Suzie Sakamoto in 'Sunny'?

Rashida Jones as Suzie Sakamoto in 'Sunny' (@appletv+)
Rashida Jones as Suzie Sakamoto in a still from 'Sunny' (@appletv+)

The fallout with Dee seemed to have little impact on Suzie until now when her loneliness leaves her with no one to rely on. Even with her friendship with Mixxy (Annie the Clumsy), Suzie comes across as self-centered, struggling to see beyond her feelings. Mixxy even calls out this trait of Suzie who gives a rather insensitive reaction when Mixxy loses a job because of her. Mixxy even questions why she has no friends and never tried to fit into Japanese culture even after marrying a Japanese man and establishing a new life in Kyoto.

Suzie's self-absorbed nature is also apparent in her interactions with her mother-in-law, Noriko Sakamoto (Judy Ongg). Despite Noriko's efforts to support Suzie after the plane crash tragedy, Suzie's behavior shows that she views Noriko as insignificant. She avoids meeting with Noriko and ignores her calls.

Coming back to Dee, Suzie didn't attempt to patch up with her until she lost her family. But has she learned anything from it? Probably yes! Suzie is now trying to be a better person. After losing everyone around her, Suzie is determined not to lose her friendship with Mixxy. This drives her to apologize for her past behavior and seek to mend their relationship.

Amid this emotional saga, it remains a mystery why Mixxy deleted Dee's message. Did she not want Suzie to get hurt? Or is she just a narc who wants to take over Suzie's entire life with some agendas of her own? We've got enough food for thought as we wait for the next episode.

'Sunny' Episode 8 will arrive on Apple TV+, next Wednesday, August 21.