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'LOTR: The Rings of Power' Season 2: Why the Orcs and Adar betrayed major character

Morgoth and Sauron differ in beliefs and actions, which is why the Orcs don't want to follow Sauron in 'LOTR: The Rings of Power'
Adar is not only the leader of the Orcs, but also considers them his 'sons' in 'LOTR: The Rings of Power' Season 2 (@primevideo)
Adar is not only the leader of the Orcs, but also considers them his 'sons' in 'LOTR: The Rings of Power' Season 2 (@primevideo)

MIDDLE EARTH: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power' Season 2 is finally here after much anticipation. The first four episodes are now available on Prime Video, continuing the story right where the previous season left off. We get to see what happens next with the powerful Elven rings, Sauron's evil plans, and a hint at the Dwarven rings that are still to come.

However, the most interesting part is the flashback scene at the beginning. It shows a younger Sauron vying for power as the new antagonist following Morgoth’s defeat. But he’s betrayed by Adar and the orcs! The show reveals that Sauron and Morgoth aren’t as similar as we once thought, shedding light on their differences. We also gain deeper insights into the orcs and what drives them. So let's dive deeper into why Adar and the orcs betrayed Sauron, but to understand that, we must first understand what Sauron wanted.

What motivated Sauron's ambition in 'LOTR: The Rings of Power'?

A still from the show 'The Lord of the Rings' (@primevideo)
A still from the show 'The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power' (@primevideo)

Sauron wanted to be in charge of Middle-earth, aiming to create something that would grant him total control. However, his old boss, Morgoth, had a different idea. Morgoth wanted to destroy everything because he was angry with the creator. Sauron, on the other hand, didn’t want to destroy Middle-earth; he wanted to make it perfect. 

He had once worked with a great craftsman named Aulë and learned to seek perfection. He wanted to make Middle-earth and its people ideal but on his terms. He wasn’t loyal to Morgoth; he was just waiting for the right moment to take over. And that's exactly what he did in 'The Rings of Power' when Morgoth was defeated.

What's the real reason for the Orcs' rebellion against Sauron in 'LOTR: The Rings of Power'?

A still from the show 'The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power' (@primevideo)

Morgoth and Sauron differ in their beliefs and actions, which is why the Orcs don't want to follow Sauron in 'LOTR: The Rings of Power'. Morgoth created the Orcs by hurting and twisting Elves. Adar, who is the leader of the Orcs, remembers the painful moment when the Orcs were made, which sets the Orcs apart from others in Middle-earth.

Sauron's plan to unite all races under his rule goes against the Orcs' purpose. Morgoth created them to reject their creator, Eru Illúvatar, and his creations, and Sauron's plan is a betrayal of that, which is why Adar and the Orcs won't follow him. This shows that the wars in Middle-earth are not just about good versus evil but also about who gets to make their own choices. With different leaders and soldiers pursuing various goals, the conflict becomes more complex and nuanced.

'LOTR: The Rings of Power' humanizes the Orcs in a surprising way

A still from the show 'The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power' (@primevideo)

In 'The Rings of Power', the Orcs aren’t just bad guys; they have feelings and care for one another. Adar, for instance, loves his 'sons' like a parent, adding depth and complexity to their story. When Sauron takes over, it will be terrifying for the Orcs, and especially intense for us to watch. We know the Orcs are not just bad, but also capable of love. The show effectively highlights the differences between Sauron and Morgoth, showcasing how each has distinct visions for Middle-earth.

The portrayal of the Orcs and their relationships promises to be an exciting aspect as 'LOTR: The Rings of Power' Season 2 unfolds. Even though the show has omitted some parts of the original story, it excels at exploring the characters and their motivations. It's no longer just about right and wrong, it's about the intense characters with their desires and flaws that make 'LOTR: The Rings of Power' a compelling watch, and we can't wait to see what's next!

'LOTR: The Rings of Power' Season 2 trailer


'LOTR: The Rings of Power' Season 2 is now streaming on Prime Video.