Who is Morgoth? LOTR: The Rings of Power's great enemy's history explained
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: In The 'Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power', the looming threat of Sauron casts a shadow over Middle-earth, but the origins of this dark menace trace back to Morgoth, the true Dark Enemy.
Morgoth, originally Melkor, was a powerful Valar corrupted by pride and rebellion. His malevolent acts, including destroying the Two Trees of Valinor, caused widespread devastation. Defeated by Elves and Men, his dark legacy lives on through Sauron, leaving Middle-earth scarred and vulnerable in 'The Rings of Power'.
What is the shocking truth about Middle-earth's creation Melkor?

In Tolkien's cosmology, Eru Ilúvatar, the supreme deity, created the Ainur, divine spirits meant to aid in the formation of the universe. These Ainur contributed to a divine symphony that envisioned a world of life, known as Arda.
Melkor, the mightiest of the Ainur, rebelled by playing his own discordant tune, revealing his desire for dominion. Despite his disobedience, Melkor’s disruption was woven into Eru’s grand design. As Arda took shape, Eru tasked the Ainur with its realization, leading a select few, known as the Valar, to shape the world.
Driven by envy and pride, Melkor, now known as Morgoth, sought to mar and destroy the creations of his peers. Unable to create original beauty, Morgoth corrupted the beings and elements of Arda, creating dark entities like the Balrogs and Orcs. His influence tainted much of Middle-earth, setting the stage for future conflicts.
Morgoth is the most evil being in Middle-earth

Morgoth, formerly Melkor, earned his new name after his destructive assault on Valinor, the Valar's realm. In this cataclysmic event, Morgoth destroyed the Two Trees of Valinor and stole the Silmarils, precious jewels created by Fëanor.
This act of theft incited the Noldor Elves to wage the War of the Jewels, a series of brutal battles against Morgoth and his forces. Morgoth's actions led to immense suffering and the sinking of a vast landmass into the sea, altering Arda’s geography.
His greed and malice left a lasting scar on Middle-earth, shaping its history with ruin and warfare. The war’s end saw Morgoth imprisoned in the Void behind the Door of Night, though his return is foretold to bring about an apocalypse.
Meanwhile, his former lieutenant, Sauron, continues his legacy of darkness, further complicating the struggle for Middle-earth’s salvation.
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