Where are Nathan and Amber Prater now? 'My 600-Lb Life: Where Are They Now' couple continues weight loss journey
PALESTINE, TEXAS: After undergoing weight loss surgery during Season 10 of 'My 600-lb Life: Where Are They Now?', Nathan Prater's progress is truly remarkable. The show's follow-up revealed that he was continuing to shed weight even after the surgery.
To stay active, he also took on a second job at a restaurant. Nonetheless, he had a significant goal to achieve. Nathan had lymphedema, and he would become eligible for skin removal surgery each month if he continued to lose weight.

This was something he desperately needed, as he had a large lump hanging from his belly that caused discomfort and restricted his movement. Nathan's persistence, thankfully, paid off.
He managed to shed enough pounds, meeting the requirement set by Dr Younan Nowzaradan, enabling the removal of the lump. An update on his relationship with Hannah, his stepdaughter, was also provided.
Nathan's objective was to get well enough to lead her down the aisle and mend the rift that was between them when we first met. Now, he's well on his way to achieving that, and more. Together, they went rock climbing.
At the end of the episode, Nathan weighed around 250 pounds, steadily progressing towards his ultimate goal of shedding 200 pounds to qualify for a second skin removal procedure.
Nathan seems committed to achieving this objective. But the filming of this episode took place in 2023. So, in 2024, how is Nathan doing? Nathan remains dedicated to his health journey, continuing to work two jobs while prioritizing his well-being.
He seems to be doing well, albeit it's unclear if he was successful in his last weight loss procedure. Happier news: in March 2024, he celebrated his 12th anniversary with Amber Prater. However, he tragically lost his mother earlier in the year.

Regretfully, Amber's experience with weight loss was nothing like Nathan's. Her weight fluctuated further when she was on 'My 600-lb Life: Where Are They Now?'.
She would occasionally gain and then lose a few pounds, but she never managed to consistently shed the 50 pounds necessary for Dr Now to deem her eligible for her second weight reduction operation, which would have put her at 455 pounds. At times, Amber expressed frustration and confusion over her inability to lose weight, while other times she attributed it to stress and sleeplessness.
To address the reason behind her weight retention, Dr Now urged her to resume therapy and schedule individual appointments with Dr Matthew Paradise. Dr Paradise suggested to Amber that her past sexual trauma could be contributing to her struggles with weight.
Amber had sexual trauma during her initial weight loss operation as a teenager, which led her to unconsciously link weight loss to unpleasant memories. Dr Paradise also noted that Amber ignored her own needs in favor of helping Nathan while he lost weight.
Amber still hadn't dropped enough weight by the end of the show to be eligible for weight reduction surgery. So, in 2024, where is Amber?
Like Nathan, it remains uncertain whether Amber achieved her goal of dropping enough weight to qualify for weight loss surgery. However, she did share in a Facebook status in April 2024 that she had lost 10 pounds in just three weeks, which appears to be a positive step forward.
More significantly, Amber has been exuding motivation and positivity more than ever before. Additionally, her marriage to Nathan appears to be thriving. What's truly heartwarming is that they continue to support each other in their weight loss journeys.

Who is Nathan Prater in 'My 600-lb Life'?
'My 600-lb Life' on TLC doesn't only chronicle the lives of those who are extremely overweight. We are moved to support every person who seeks Dr Now's assistance since it also reveals who they are and their challenges.
In Season 10, Nathan, a Palestine, Texas, native, was first introduced to the viewers. He started off weighing 607 pounds. Through his commitment to following Dr Now's instructions, Nathan lost enough weight to qualify for weight loss surgery.

Who is Amber Prater in 'My 600-lb Life'?
Dr Now noticed a similar battle in Amber, Nathan's wife. Despite weighing nearly 500 pounds less than Nathan, she had an unexpectedly elevated BMI.
He took her on as a client after realizing she needed help and that she needed to shed fifty pounds to be eligible for weight-loss surgery. Amber revealed that she had undergone weight loss surgery in the past, but had regained the weight, implying that the underlying problems that led to her food addiction were never treated.

What happened to Nathan and Amber Prater in 'My 600-lb Life'?
Following his operation, Nathan's weight reduction reached a standstill, while Amber experienced weight gain instead of reduction. Concerned about their overall health, Dr Now referred them to therapy.
The couple revealed a concerning fact to Dr Paradise during their sessions: they had "no physical intimacy," indicating deeper marital issues and a lack of emotional connection. The episode did, however, conclude on a more encouraging note, as Nathan and Amber were both beginning to lose weight and see noticeable changes.
The spinoff series 'My 600-lb Life: Where Are They Now?' continued where the last season left off with its May 2024 launch.

TLC airs new episodes of 'My 600-Lb Life: Where Are They Now?' every Wednesday at 8 pm EST.