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'Welcome to Plathville': Ethan agrees to see counselor, fans unsure if it will help

"Ethan needs to run. Olivia will never be satisfied," tweeted a fan, as Ethan and Olivia tried to mend what was left of their marriage
UPDATED OCT 13, 2021
Olivia and Ethan Plath (Instagram/ethan.plath)
Olivia and Ethan Plath (Instagram/ethan.plath)

When it comes to the Plaths on 'Welcome to Plathville', the show is a stark reminder of how important it is to have formative experiences during a person's youth. It's essential to go out, explore, learn new hobbies, gain skills and more, to have a life beyond work and home. For the Plath kids, who've been sheltered all their life, adapting to this way is far from easy.

While Micah and Moriah seemed to have adapted quickly to their new lives, Ethan has had it a lot harder, seeing that he has a marriage to deal with. However, as his relationship with Olivia crumbles, the two might have finally reached a point where they can discuss their marriage and what went wrong, despite being separated.


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With Olivia and Ethan having separated, Olivia has now moved out of the house. However, seeing that they both plan to sell their Cairo home, they've reached a compromise of sorts, meeting each other once a week, while working to fix the house before they can sell it. This alone time resulted in a conversation about their marriage, where the two are slowly dissecting it to understand what went wrong. Olivia asks Ethan to rate their marriage on a scale of 1 to 10. Ethan rates it a 1, stating that to him, they are at an all-time low. Olivia believes that they are doing a little better, rating them at a 4. She claims that even though it doesn't seem like it, they have come a long way since their initial explosive arguments. Now, Ethan has agreed to see a counselor.

Ethan opened about seeing a counselor, stating that although he was hell-bent against the idea earlier, his solo trip helped him come around. He took the time out to think about his life so far. To him, he's worked right since he was 15. His life now is no more between work, home, and a few hobbies at best. He believes he has not much to look back on. Even though he and Olivia are separated, it'll be a few years until they have kids if they are to get back together. Before that, he wants to make memories, explore more, and do more so that he has something to show for when he looks back on this time. 

As always, fans were torn about where they stand when it came to couple; however, many of them found themselves on Ethan's side. 
"Ok. Well, Olivia rating the marriage a 4 after she moved out and separated seems a little bit … disconnected from the reality she's bringing about. I'm with Ethan on that. Separation = one step above non-existent. #welcometoplathville" tweeted a fan. 

"@TLC Ethan needs to run. Olivia will never be satisfied. She'll want to up and move a million times and he wants to get settled. She'll throw in his face he's not letting her be herself because he wants stability. smh #welcometoplathville" added another. "Ethan is so stinkin sweet. I hope this gets better for them @tlc #WelcomeToPlathville" hoped a fan. "You can see they love each other. I think they just got married really young and need to figure who they are as individuals #welcometoplathville" agreed another. 





What do you think? Will Ethan and Olivia be able to work past their differences? Sound off below! 
Catch all-new episodes of 'Welcome to Plathville' on Tuesdays at 10/9c on TLC.