There's being messy, and then there's being the infamous Gallaghers from Southside Chicago. Six siblings, nine seasons, and one deadbeat dad later, our favorite clan from the downtrodden and condemned bits of Chicago's not so finest still continue to rise and redeem themselves in ways deemed unimaginable by the regular people, but hey - that's the charm of the Gallaghers. Ranging from broke with alcoholism, to recovering alcoholics with babies on the way, sexually confused with a four-year-old daughter, a mess in military school, and an all-around absentee - our Gallaghers are here for a good time, but most importantly a wild time. Jail is no strange abode to them, and neither is taking the easy way out for fast cash no matter how indiscreet. Joined by their best friends next door The Balls, this family truly makes for one heck of a joyride!