Maribel Duarte: Mom blasts LA school for vaccinating son by bribing him with pizza WITHOUT her consent

Maribel Duarte, mother of 13-year old Barack Obama Global Prep Academy student, was enraged when she realized her son has been vaccinated. Picking up her son from school, she saw his vaccine card. When inquired, her son informed that he accepted the vaccination only because the nurse offered him a pizza in exchange.
While reporting the incident to KNBC-TV, she also added how her son explained that the lady (nurse) who gave him the vaccine shot told this 13-year old to not say anything as she doesn't want to get in any trouble while signing his card. Maribel, the mother, also shared the vaccination card in the talk.
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What did authorities say?
Los Angeles Unified School District said that all student matters are private and confidential and it is against their guidelines to comment on matters related to students. However, when asked about the vaccinations, they explained this comes under the "safe schools to safe steps incentive program". They further explained the program is designed in a way to motivate students to take the vaccination with a reward. It was also heard that a school administrator said the 13-year old student's mother lied and "more often than not parents will lie about the whole vaccine issue."
Not vaccinated? No school!
LAUSD had issued a deadline for all students. This said by the 10th of January 2022, all students of 12 years and above must be vaccinated and only then will they be let inside the schoolpremises. If not, the students will be forced to study from home via virtual classes.
The district also said that by the Thanksgiving break they have vaccinated 80% of students at Obama Prep. This is a thoughtful initiative as once holiday season begins, social gatherings will increase which in turn will enhance the chances of COVID spread.
Parent's point of view
Mrs Duarte is not anti-vax. She understands that taking the vaccine is essential to stop the outbreak of this horrifying pandemic. When talking with KNBC, she said she's been vaccinated herself. However, when it comes to her son, it's a different case. Firstly, they did not ask for the mother's consent. The vaccine has different effects on different individuals. But as the mother shared, her 13-year old has "asthma and allergy problems", which means there were chances of the vaccine doing more harm than good.
Jennifer Kennedy, an attorney that's been closely monitoring the two cases against LAUSD simply stated that minor cannot consent to vaccination. She explained that the LAUSD does not hold the power to add a vaccine to any Californian school schedule. She also compared LAUSD to second-podunk schools and said doesn't matter who they are, they do not have that legal authority.