Anti-vax nurse films herself being thrown out of Kaiser Permanente, gets mocked

A video of a nurse has gone viral on the internet that showed her being escorted out of the hospital for refusing the Covid-19 vaccine. The one-minute and 25 seconds long footage showed the unidentified nurse recording herself as someone takes her out of the premises.
The woman claims to be an employee of Kaiser Permanente, which is headquartered in California but also has centers in Colorado, Georgia, Hawaii, Virginia, Ohio, and Washington. She said her employer has placed her on unpaid administrative leave on Saturday, October 30, after she showed no interest in the vaccine. She also added that her religious exemption from the vaccine was rejected by the hospital.
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Nurse fired for not accepting the you know what. Religious exemption denied.. Freedom is everything and you must never give it up #coercion
— Gillian McKeith (@GillianMcKeith) October 30, 2021
The nurse said, “I am being escorted out of Kaiser Permanente hospital for my religious beliefs because I don't want to get the jab. And I asked all day for someone to explain to me why my sincerely held religious beliefs are not good enough for Kaiser. And no one was able to do that for me.”
The video also showed her saying she wants answers for losing the job, but the hospital has not provided her with any. “I'm willing to lose my safety, security, my house, everything for freedom. I want you to think about that,” she continued, before adding “They're firing nurses who are willing to work. Doesn't make sense to me. So you have got to ask yourself that question: what kind of world are we living in when we have a pandemic.”
If a surgical nurse claimed to have a religious belief that meant she couldn’t use antibacterial soap, would she still be allowed to be a surgical nurse and just not scrub in, because freedom? If your belief means you can’t give safe, effective care, it’s not the job for you.
— Jeff Roush (@JeffRoushPoetry) October 31, 2021
The nurse’s video has been viewed five million times as of Monday, November 1. It has also attracted a lot of comments from people. A person tweeted, “If a surgical nurse claimed to have a religious belief that meant she couldn’t use antibacterial soap, would she still be allowed to be a surgical nurse and just not scrub in, because freedom? If your belief means you can’t give safe, effective care, it’s not the job for you.”
I am also a Kaiser Permanente nurse. I got vaccinated as soon as I possibly could because I didn’t want to endanger myself, my loved ones, or my patients. There are thousands of brand new nurses fresh out of nursing school who can’t get RN jobs. They’ll gladly take yours. See ya.
— Snuzy 😴 (@RNSue3) October 31, 2021
It’s odd seeing nurses that took a profession in the medical field deny a simple vaccination that could save them & other peoples lives but then make it about freedom. They’re definitely in the wrong profession. I don’t want any these people around me if I have medical issue.
— 𝓫𝓮𑁍ࠜ⁷ (@jimimxssi) October 30, 2021
The second user wrote, “I am also a Kaiser Permanente nurse. I got vaccinated as soon as I possibly could because I didn’t want to endanger myself, my loved ones, or my patients. There are thousands of brand new nurses fresh out of nursing school who can’t get RN jobs. They’ll gladly take yours. See ya.” “It’s odd seeing nurses that took a profession in the medical field deny a simple vaccination that could save them & other peoples lives but then make it about freedom. They’re definitely in the wrong profession. I don’t want any these people around me if I have medical issue,” the third one added.
She absolutely has a freedom to die or be sick. But not the freedom not to do her job properly. And since her job requires protecting the most vulnerable, she must either quit, be fired, or be vaccinated. Three very obvious choices.
— (((Howard Forman))) (@thehowie) October 31, 2021
Walking in the hospital against the rules without a mask, lest it obscure her face during her attempt to get a few minutes of notoriety. They have been told no vax, no job, yet they still show up at work to make their little video. The hair covering and no mask is hilarious.
— Yvonne Left (@LeftYvonne) October 31, 2021
A tweet read, “She absolutely has a freedom to die or be sick. But not the freedom not to do her job properly. And since her job requires protecting the most vulnerable, she must either quit, be fired, or be vaccinated. Three very obvious choices.” “Walking in the hospital against the rules without a mask, lest it obscure her face during her attempt to get a few minutes of notoriety. They have been told no vax, no job, yet they still show up at work to make their little video. The hair covering and no mask is hilarious,” another tweet stated.