'Locke and Key' Review: Locke siblings confront their choices in Season 2

From taking on a new villain to the rise of potential threat, Season 2 of 'Locke and Key' comes packed with action, drama and intrigue, much like Season 2. Season 2 picks up right at the end of Season 1 and with Dodge feated, it seems as though the Locke siblings finally have a moment of peace, while they grapple with their youth and what lies ahead. But said peace only lasts for so long, as danger is closer to them than they expect.
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At the start of Season 2, the Locke siblings seem to have found a semblance of peace, as Tyler (Connor Jessup) spends time with his girlfriend Jackie (Genevieve Kang), Kinsey (Emilia Jones) looks forward to her movie premiere while enjoying her relationship with Gabe (Griffin Gluck ), as Bode (Jackson Robert Scott) continues to discover new keys. The foreshadowing for the season comes earlier on from Bode himself, who warns his older siblings that although they have found a few keys, there are still many out there and they don't know the full extent of their powers. To Bode, there is much to learn and much to discover.

Tyler and Kinsey momentarily seem to forget just how deeply intertwined their lives are with the keys and while using them has its perks, the rose-colored glasses come off just as fast. For Tyler, Jackie's fading memory with regard to the keys leaves him struggling to save their relationship. However, after she is possed, Tyler finds himself taking on the family business, as Duncan (Aaron Ashmore) teaches him how to forge.
She saves Jackie from the possession, only for her to die in his arms, leading him to make the decision that even though he is now a forger, he wants a normal life. Kinsey on the other hand ends up in an even worse situation, seeing that Gabe is actually Dodge and now her entire family is at risk. However, Kinsey being the one to save them in the end almost acts as a precursor of the fact that she is now the Locke sibling in charge of the keys.
Speaking of being the savior, this season saw Griffin Gluck take on the role of Dodge, as Gabe. While Laysla De Oliveira version is definitely a sinister one, Griffin Gluck's Dodge comes off as rather cocky and confident. However, in hindsight, it adds up, seeing that everyone suspected Dodge was sealed away by the end of Season 1. Season 2 of 'Locke and Key' is essentially fast-paced to the point where it seems crammed in, but it still makes a good watch
'Locke and Key' is now streaming on Netflix.