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From 'Wolverine and the X-Men' to 'Justice League': 5 shows like 'X-Men '97' to watch after Season 1

Here are 5 shows similar to 'X-Men '97' that fans can check out to get their superhero fix
UPDATED MAY 16, 2024
From 'Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes' to 'Justice League', here are 5 shows like 'X-Men '97' if you've finished watching  Season 1 (@disney+,@max)
From 'Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes' to 'Justice League', here are 5 shows like 'X-Men '97' if you've finished watching Season 1 (@disney+,@max)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: The release of 'X-Men '97' on Disney+ has proven to be a resounding success, drawing rave reviews from both critics and fans alike.

Ever since it was announced on Disney+ Day in 2021 that the series would pick up where the beloved 'X-Men: The Animated Series' left off, anticipation has been high.

With the premiere on March 20, 2024, it quickly became evident that Marvel had struck gold. As subsequent episodes aired, many lauded it as Marvel's finest work in years.

With the conclusion of the series, fans are undoubtedly eager for more content that captures a similar essence.

Luckily, there are plenty of other TV shows out there that fans of 'X-Men '97' would enjoy. While they wait for more from Marvel, here are 5 shows they can check out similar shows to get their superhero fix.

X-Men: The Animated Series (1992)

Screengrab from X-Men: The Animated Series (1992) (@Fox)
Wolverine, Storm, and Cyclops in a still from 'X-Men: The Animated Series' (@disney+)

The closest series to 'X-Men '97' is none other than its predecessor, 'X-Men: The Animated Series'. Just like 'Spider-Man: The Animated Series', this X-Men show was adored by fans and left them wanting more even after its five-season journey came to a close.

The revival of 'X-Men: The Animated Series' as 'X-Men '97' came after a long 27-year wait, showing just how much fans cherished the original.

Even today, 'X-Men: The Animated Series' remains unique for its storytelling, tackling issues like discrimination and societal change. It left a lasting impact on viewers when it first aired and continues to do so.

While there are many reasons to praise it, its ability to tell meaningful stories sets it apart from other superhero series like 'X-Men '97'.

'X-Men: The Animated Series' is available to stream on Disney+.

Spider-Man: The Animated Series (1994)

Sara Ballantine and Christopher Daniel Barnes in a still from  'Spider-Man: The Animated Series' (@disney+)
Sara Ballantine and Christopher Daniel Barnes in a still from 'Spider-Man: The Animated Series' (@disney+)

'Spider-Man: The Animated Series' is undeniably the most popular show in the Marvel Animated Universe. Marvel enthusiasts worldwide hold it dear for its exceptional portrayal of the Spider-Man saga.

Whether it's the remarkable performances from its extensive cast, the superb animation, or the enthralling storytelling, 'Spider-Man: The Animated Series' stands tall as one of Marvel's greatest series.

In 'X-Men '97' Season 1, Episode 8, titled 'Tolerance is Extinction - Part 1', Spider-Man's crossover with the X-Men isn't a new concept. Throughout its lengthy five-season run, the X-Men teamed up with him and numerous other Marvel heroes.

The character is adored to such an extent that even his brief appearance in 'X-Men '97' has ignited calls for a revival of his series, much like what 'X-Men '97' received.

The original Spider-Man series left fans hanging with a cliffhanger at the end of its fifth season before being canceled.

'Spider-Man: The Animated Series' is available to stream on Disney+.

Wolverine and the X-Men (2009)

Steve Blum in a still from 'Wolverine and the X-Men' (@disney+)
Steve Blum in a still from 'Wolverine and the X-Men' (@disney+)

'X-Men: The Animated Series' isn't the only time the X-Men lost out on an amazing show. Unfortunately, 'Wolverine and the X-Men' had an even shorter lifespan.

Lasting only one season, it nonetheless delivered a remarkable series to fans with a fresh premise.

In this iteration, fan-favorite Wolverine assumed the mantle of leading the X-Men, a departure from his typical lone-wolf persona.

Fans also lauded the series for its outstanding portrayal of underrated characters like Emma Frost, giving them much-needed time in the spotlight.

Many online fans praised the direction of the show, suggesting it could be a great way to introduce the X-Men into the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

This idea gained traction, especially since Kevin Feige, the head of the MCU, was an executive producer of the series.

'Wolverine and the X-Men' is available to stream on Disney+.

Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes (2010)

Brian Bloom and Eric Loomis in 'The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes' (@disney+)
Brian Bloom and Eric Loomis in 'The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes' (@disney+)

The X-Men aren't the only Marvel team with an outstanding animated series that deserves a revival. The Avengers, Marvel's most popular superhero team, delivered one of the finest Marvel animated shows in 2010 with 'Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes'.

Like 'X-Men '97', it excelled in crafting compelling narratives and seamlessly integrating the broader Marvel universe without feeling forced.

Just as the Captain America and Spider-Man cameos added depth to the plot of 'X-Men '97', 'Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes' did the same during its two-season run.

It featured numerous heroes and villains from across the Marvel landscape, including Spider-Man, Wolverine, The Fantastic Four, Winter Soldier, and various Asgardians. Yet, each appearance served the story, enhancing it rather than feeling out of place.

Fans are still hoping for a revival of 'Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes', just like the X-Men received.

 'Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes' is available to stream on Disney+.

Justice League (2001)

Maria Canals-Barrera, Kevin Conroy, Susan Eisenberg, Phil LaMarr, Carl Lumbly, George Newbern, and Michael Rosenbaum in 'Justice League' (@max)
Maria Canals-Barrera, Kevin Conroy, Susan Eisenberg, Phil LaMarr, Carl Lumbly, George Newbern, and Michael Rosenbaum in 'Justice League' (@max)

Although they may not share much in common with the X-Men characters, DC's primary superhero team also boasts a highly acclaimed and exceptionally well-written animated series.

What sets 'X-Men '97' apart is its exceptional quality, much like 'Justice League', which stands as one of the original animated superhero series to attain such recognition.

It's a legendary series that continues to shape animated superhero storytelling today.

Similar to 'X-Men '97', 'Justice League' features stunning animated action and delves into deep and meaningful narratives.

Both shows go beyond mere entertainment and invest time in crafting compelling stories with significance. They prioritize substance over superficial action, setting them apart from other animated series.

'Justice League' is available to stream on Max.

'X-Men '97' trailer 


All episodes of 'X-Men '97' Season 1 are exclusively streaming on Disney+.