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'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3: Iris is getting annoying and fans are starting to fume

In 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3, Mike McLusky and Iris find themselves in a dangerous situation
Iris's plotline leaves 'Mayor of Kingstown' fans baffled (@paramount+)
Iris's plotline leaves 'Mayor of Kingstown' fans baffled (@paramount+)

KINGSTOWN, MICHIGAN: The five episodes of 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 have been released on Paramount+, offering viewers a compelling mix of high-stakes drama and significant character growth.

Iris (Emma Laird) has been a central figure in 'Mayor of Kingstown' since Mike McLusky (Jeremy Renner) unofficially assumed the role of Mayor. As the series progresses, Iris's character becomes increasingly entangled in the complex web of politics, power struggles, and personal relationships.

In 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3, Iris has encountered numerous challenges, leading to behaviors that have annoyed some fans. She has repeatedly been pulled back into the web of exploitation and control by the powerful figures in Kingstown. 

Fans have taken to social media to discuss Iris's behavior throughout Season 3 of 'Mayor of Kingstown'.

Why fans label Iris the worst character ever

Iris struggles to navigate Konstantin and Mike's deadly feud in 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 (@paramount+)
Emma Laird as Iris in a still from 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 (@paramount+)

A fan published a discussion thread on Reddit titled 'Is Iris the Worst Character Ever?' to spark conversation about Iris's role in 'Mayor of Kingstown'. 

Various fans have shared their thoughts and opinions on Iris's actions and development throughout the series. 

A fan wrote on Reddit, "She has been the worst character in a show after Season 1. The fact she was still be able to pull the same shit through Season 2 and be even more annoying in Season 3. Wtf."

It seems fans dislike Iris's character and want to see her story arc conclude. A fan expressed frustration on Reddit, saying, "I just started rewatching Season 1 and I totally forgot Mike tells her she will be dead in a year the first time they meet. Based on Kyle's kids birth I think we still have maybe 2 months left for that to be true and here's hoping Mike comes through for us and is right again."

Another fan wrote on Reddit, "I’m really doubting her intentions as far as her saying she will basically spy on Konstantin for Mike. It seems like Iris and Konstantin had a relatively good relationship in the past and he won’t stop going on and on about how he values her. This makes me question if she’d really pick Mike over Konstantin in the long run. I also don’t see how her spying is even necessary."

The fan continued, "The word’s out that the Russians were poisoning the drugs causing a lot of OD’s, Bunny wants them dead, and it wouldn’t be hard for Mike to nudge Evelyn and Ian to put pressure on the Russians since they now have evidence. Mike’s really the only one holding back the tide, so I don’t see why Iris is putting herself out there unless she has ulterior motives."

Jeremy Renner as Mike McLusky and Emma Laird as Iris in a still from 'Mayor of Kingstown' (Paramount/@emersonmiller)

The fans have been expressing doubt about Iris's true intentions in her agreement to spy on Konstantin (Yorick van Wageningen) for Mike. The fact that the Russians were poisoning the drugs and causing overdoses is already known because of the analysis report. Mike could easily act against Russian mobster Konstantin as they now have evidence of their wrongdoing.

A fan shared on Reddit, "I'm wondering the same too, 24 hours ago Emma Laird posted on her ig stories saying that s03e05 is a very personal episode for her. Seems like there's some deeper innuendo in the episode. Guess we gotta keep watching to find out." The fan suspects that Iris may eventually betray Mike.

Another fan said on Reddit, "I was surprised also when she went back to Milo, and then went back to Konstantin. However I think it’s believable as women who’ve been through what she’s been through starting from her childhood don’t always do the most logical things. In this case, I think she went to Konstantin because he tells her what she wants to hear. Where as Mike tells her what she needs to hear, but doesn’t want to hear."

The fans have been expressing frustration over how Iris went back to Milo Sunter (Aidan Gillen) despite everything Mike did for her. They worry that her time with Konstantin will follow a similar pattern.

Another fan wrote on Reddit, "I was done with Iris when she voluntarily went back to Milo." To which, another fan replied on Reddit, "I am east to suspend belief for a show, but that her going back to Milo was too much even for me."

A fan expressed frustration on Reddit, writing, "It really broke my heart when she went back to Milo after all those shit. If the plot repeats itself with Konstantin im gonna quit watching the show altogether lol too much to bear. Just rooting for her to pull through for herself with all the care Mike + family & friends are giving her. Let's just hope Miriam has changed her for the better."

Another fan chimed in on the Reddit discussion, saying, " She is 2nd worst. The mom was the worst. Glad they off'd her!" While another fan wrote on Reddit, "At first, I thought the mom was the worst. Iris could give lessons on being an idiot."

"The address is great, but she's clearly the writers' pet," another fan commented on Reddit. Another fan pointed out that Iris does some really foolish things. The fan wrote on Reddit, "Iris does some really stupid things. But I don’t think she’s free from severe mental illness as a result of what she’s been put through. Firstly I don’t think she values life anymore after everything she’s been through. She clearly sees no value in her own life and as a result she completely wants to try and prove that she’s useful and capable. The alternative to doing that would be suicide. 10 bucks says when the show ends she kills herself because she can no longer find a purpose."

Emma Laird as Iris in a still from 'Mayor of Kingstown' (@paramount+)
Emma Laird as Iris in a still from 'Mayor of Kingstown' (@paramount+)

Fans on Reddit have expressed widespread frustration with Iris. A fan wrote on Reddit, "EXACTLY, GOOD GOD, you want to root for her, but christ on cracker, how freaking stupid. She's just an annoyance now." While another fan said on Reddit, "She’s annoyed me the whole show honestly."

Another fan compared Iris to Tokyo from 'Money Heist'. The fan wrote on Reddit, "Iris is the cheap version of "Tokyo" from "Money Heist" all bad decisions to her character."

Could Iris be killed by the end of 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3?

Iris' record in 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 sparks fan theories (@paramount+)
Emma Laird as Iris in a still from 'Mayor of Kingstown' (@paramount+) 

In 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 Episode 5, Iris meets with Konstantin to gather valuable information and assist Mike in achieving his goals. 

Konstantin is ruthless, and there is a real possibility that he could kill Iris for betraying him. His character's established ruthlessness and willingness to eliminate threats or those who cross him. 

He even killed Tatiana (Gratiela Brancusi) under the assumption that she might betray him. Later on, he dumped her body in garbage bin. Realizing Iris's betrayal, Konstantin may contemplate drastic measures similar to those taken against Tatiana.

Konstantin may keep her hostage to coerce Mike into complying with his demands. He could use Iris to thwart Mike's efforts and maintain his illicit activities in Kingstown.

It would indeed be intriguing to see what unfolds for Iris in 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3.

How to stream 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3?

Explore the captivating filming locations of 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 (@paramountplus)
Jeremy Renner as Mike McLusky in a still from 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 (@paramount+)

'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 Episodes 1-5 are currently available for streaming on Paramount+. New episodes of 'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 are released on Paramount+ every Sunday.

Don't have a Paramount+ subscription? Worry not! We have got you covered. Paramount+ Essential plan, priced at $5.99 per month, offers subscribers access to a wide range of content but includes ads during streaming.

Paramount+ with Showtime plan, priced at $11.99 per month, provides an ad-free streaming experience and includes access to Showtime's premium content library.

'Mayor of Kingstown' Season 3 trailer