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'X-Men '97' Finale: From Magneto's UN trial to Fall of Genosha, top 5 best moments from Disney+ series

Check out the top 5 moments from Season 1 of 'X-Men '97' to stay up-to-date and reminisce about its highlights
From Magneto's UN trial to Fall of Genosha, here are 5 best moments from 'X-Men '97' to watch before the season finale (@disney+)
From Magneto's UN trial to Fall of Genosha, here are 5 best moments from 'X-Men '97' to watch before the season finale (@disney+)

Contains spoilers for 'X-Men '97'

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: 'X-Men '97' is all set to premiere Season 1's finale episode on Disney+ on Wednesday, May 15. Premiering on March, 20, the show has become a hit, drawing in both old and new fans.

The reappearance of beloved characters has stirred up a wave of nostalgia among viewers. Unexpected plot twists have kept audiences hooked and guessing.

References to the original series have delighted long-time fans. The animation quality has raised the bar for Marvel animated shows. Each episode delivers a thrill that leaves fans eagerly awaiting the next installment.

As the highly anticipated 'X-Men '97' season finale, 'Tolerance Is Extinction - Part 3', approaches, many fans have been wondering what are the best moments from Season 1. 

Here's our compilation of the top 5 moments from Season 1 of 'X-Men '97', ensuring you're both current with the story and able to reminisce about its finest moments.

The UN court trial for Magneto takes a dramatic turn in 'X-Men '97' Episode 2

X-cutioner and Magneto in a screengrab from episode 2 of 'X-Men '97' (Disney+)
X-cutioner and Magneto in a still from 'X-Men '97' (@disney+)

In Episode 2, 'X-Men '97' depicted Magneto's arrest and trial for his crimes against humanity. Despite being treated like any other human, Magneto defended himself by arguing that he only fought back against humans who oppressed mutants and never sought harm unless provoked.

He recounted enduring mistreatment and attacks since childhood, expressing a desire to follow his dead friend's peaceful path.

During the trial, X-Cutioner protested Magneto's right to a trial, claiming that as a mutant, Magneto didn't deserve one and should face immediate punishment. This sparked a chaotic battle between X-Cutioner and the supportive X-Men within the UN court.

The clash revealed the complexities of their beliefs and motivations, blurring the lines between righteousness and morality.

This conflict arose from opposing viewpoints rather than clear moral distinctions. Despite using his powers to subdue X-Cutioner, Magneto refrained from killing him, demonstrating a newfound sense of change and restraint.

This scene was incredibly empowering, revealing the true potential of Magneto in 'X-Men '97' for the first time.

Forge reveals a huge secret to Storm in 'X-Men '97' Episode 4

Forge delivers a heartbreaking truth that leaves Storm devastated in 'X-Men '97' (@Disney+)
Forge delivers a heartbreaking truth that leaves Storm devastated in 'X-Men '97' (@disney+)

In Episode 4 of 'X-Men '97', Storm became intrigued by Forge's mutant abilities. He revealed that his exceptional intelligence enabled him to create advanced technology, including his bionic arm, crafted after losing his original limb in war.

Despite his brilliance, Forge lacked resources post-war to bring all his ideas to fruition. The Defense Department offered aid in exchange for designing devices to neutralize dangerous mutants.

Storm's shock and anger intensified upon learning about Forge's role in her power loss. She grappled with disbelief and inner conflict, questioning whether to trust him further. Her self-esteem plummeted as she struggled to coexist with the source of her trauma.

Though Forge abandoned the project, the Defense Department utilized his early designs to create anti-mutant weapons, including the one used against Storm. Despite his attempts to reassure and aid her, Storm remained discontented with Forge.

This pivotal moment in 'X-Men '97' highlighted the superheroes' vulnerability and added depth to Storm's character, setting the stage for her eventual power resurgence.

Jean and Logan's intimate kiss in 'X-Men '97' Episode 5

Jean's unexpected kiss with Logan sparks controversy in 'X-Men '97' (@Disney+)
Jean's unexpected kiss with Logan sparks controversy in 'X-Men '97' (@disney+)

While Jean grappled with her past, Logan encountered her by chance while dodging an interview. Opening up to him, Jean reminisced about memories centered mainly on Scott.

Jean revealed that Scott needed time to come to terms with his son Nathan's situation and Madelyne Pryor's departure. Amid their conversation, Jean recalled a moment when she possessed the Phoenix Force and desired to depart Earth, but Scott's presence anchored her.

In a heartfelt exchange, Logan encouraged Jean to let go of the past to break free from its haunting hold. Providing comfort and attention, he contrasted himself with Scott, who had been distant since Jean's return.

Despite Jean's sarcastic remark about Logan's immortality, he assured her of his enduring affection, affectionately calling her "red" in reference to her red hair. In a surprising twist, Jean shared a passionate kiss with Logan, signaling a shift in their relationship dynamic.

This scene also highlights the human emotions experienced by mutants, including themes of fidelity and emotional connection.

Storm regains her powers in 'X-Men '97' Episode 6

Storm in a still from 'X-Men '97' (@disney+)
Storm in a still from 'X-Men '97' (@disney+)

In this episode of 'X-Men '97', Storm rushed to aid Forge, who had been bitten by the Adversary. She endeavored to heal his wound and prevent the magical bite from spreading to his heart. Forge disclosed a cactus with the power to reverse the bite's effects.

While descending a rocky hill to retrieve the cactus, Storm became trapped. The Adversary returned, attempting to exploit her fear and self-doubt. However, Storm realized that the Adversary could only thrive on her negative emotions if she permitted it.

Recognizing her inner strength, Storm overcame the Adversary's temporary weapon with her mental resolve. Despite previously deciding to renounce her powers, Storm cast aside that constraint and embraced her mutant abilities with newfound confidence.

With her powers restored, Storm swiftly defeated the Adversary and rescued Forge from impending doom.

This episode vividly displayed Rogue's immense strength and power as she effortlessly triumphed over her adversaries while soaring through the skies. It consistently reaffirmed her status as an Omega-level mutant.

Fall of Genosha in 'X-Men '97' Episode 5 

Gambit lays dead in Rogue's arms after sacrificing himself in 'X-Men '97' (@Disney+)
Gambit lays dead in Rogue's arms after sacrificing himself in 'X-Men '97' (@Disney+)

In 'X-Men '97' Episode 5​, chaos ensued as a devastating attack hit Genosha during a gala event. Madeline Pryor experienced a powerful telepathic blast, leading her to encounter Cable, who revealed himself as her son Nathan Summers. However, before he could prevent the impending disaster, Cable was pulled out of time.

The attack unfolded with a massive sentinel wreaking havoc on Genosha, threatening the lives of every mutant. Rogue, Magneto, and Gambit united to combat the threat and save as many people as possible. The intense action sequences raised the stakes, with beloved characters facing real danger.

Tragedy struck as Magneto sacrificed himself to protect others, succumbing to the sentinel's attack. Rogue, driven by grief, faced a near-death experience before Gambit valiantly confronted the sentinel, ultimately meeting his death. Despite their efforts, Genosha lay in ruins.

In the episode's poignant conclusion, Rogue mourned the loss of her love, highlighting the profound impact of the devastating events. The unexpected deaths of Magneto and Gambit left fans reeling, although the possibility of time travel offered a glimmer of hope for their return.

This moment also solidified Episode 5 as the highest-rated Disney+ and Marvel episode to date, for obvious reasons.

'X-Men '97' trailer


9 episodes of 'X-Men '97' are now exclusively streaming on Disney+