Who forced Abelina Sabrina to get an abortion? Fans claim it's her ex Gus Johnson

YouTuber Abelina Sabrina blasted her ex-boyfriend in a video uploaded to her channel on October 22. She did not mention the name of her former partner in the video but people on Twitter and YouTube alleged that she is referring to Gus Johnson. Sabrina said she ended up pregnant during the relationship and didn't have the support of her partner when it happened. Her partner told her she would resent her and the potential baby if she ended up going forward with the pregnancy. She also claimed she had an ectopic pregnancy and her left fallopian tube ruptured completely following which she had to make multiple rounds to the doctor, and she had to do it alone. The internet has since turned against funnyman Johnson who issued an apology but the Internet and Sabrina are not ready to buy into it.
"Guess it turns out Gus Johnson is a piece of sh*t," a user wrote. "Sabrina's new video is just heartbreaking. The main takeaway should be making sure your choices are your own, but as a fan of Gus Johnson, I can't forgive the awful, abusive way he treated her. I will no longer be supporting his work, and I advise others to do the same," another user wrote. "Maybe it's because I already have gone through this shit with many, MANY YouTubers, but just expect the worst from ANYONE y'all. Nobody is perfectly wholesome. Don't let people like Gus Johnson blindside you. Always be skeptical and don't put your full trust in strangers online," another user wrote.
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Sabrina's new video is just heartbreaking. The main takeaway should be making sure your choices are your own, but as a fan of Gus Johnson, I can't forgive the awful, abusive way he treated her.
— 💀Mia💀 (@RottingCoffee) October 26, 2021
I will no longer be supporting his work, and I advise others to do the same.
Maybe it's because I already have gone through this shit with many, MANY YouTubers, but just expect the worst from ANYONE y'all. Nobody is perfectly wholesome. Don't let people like Gus Johnson blindside you. Always be skeptical and don't put your full trust in strangers online.
— Skelly Ghoul 👻🌹 (@CritGemHero) October 26, 2021
What did Abelina Sabrina say about Gus Johnson in the video?
Sabrina did not name any names and did not mention the timeline of when this incident happened but mentioned it took place "a certain number of years ago." In the 23-minute video, Sabrina explained how she nearly ended up dead at the hospital after her left fallopian tube ruptured. At the beginning of the video, Sabrina spoke about how she was in a relationship and her boyfriend didn't even want to consider the thought of keeping the baby, despite the fact that Sabrina had decided to terminate the pregnancy.
Sabrina said her boyfriend would say things like, "no it's not even a question, you're going to ruin my life." At some point in the video, Sabrina mentioned she went to the doctor to get the abortion but she was told she needed to give it a couple more weeks after which they would perform the procedure. A few days later she ended up bleeding profusely and the doctor said she was miscarrying following which she was sent home to "bleed it out." The pain in her abdomen intensified in the next couple of days but neither the hospital nor her boyfriend took her seriously. Sabrina also blasted healthcare company Kaiser Permanente for being the absolute worse and adding to her ordeal at the time.

Sabrina said one night she needed to drive herself to the hospital alone after her boyfriend said he was at work with some people after which they were going to head out for drinks and dinner. At the hospital, she finally got an ultrasound done which confused the techs and they later found out there was a complication with her uterus. Sabrina was sent to surgery immediately because any delay would intensify the threat to her life. The mother-to-be had suffered an ectopic pregnancy which led to her miscarriage and left her left fallopian tube ruptured permanently. The doctor told her she is at risk of having the same incident happen to her again.
Sabrina said her boyfriend's attitude did not change post the life-threatening incident. He continued to neglect and gaslight her, once even saying that another person would have broken up with her already but he was still there. Sabrina said she needed a lot of therapy after the surgery and needed to make multiple visits to the doctor. She said her boyfriend would listen to the phone calls between her and the advice nurse to ensure that a visit to the doctor was absolutely needed. Johnson issued an apology after receiving backlash on the Internet but no one, not even Sabrina, is buying into it.
"I'm aware of a recent video that calls out some actions that I'm not proud of and I want to apologize," his note read. You can read the full apology below. Sabrina replied to the apology with a tweet that read, "I won’t accept a misleading apology with lies in it. I don’t forgive you."
I won’t accept a misleading apology with lies in it.
— sabrina la brujita 🔮🐈⬛ (@abelinasabrina) October 26, 2021
I don’t forgive you.