'Karen' neighbors harass Black family over Limo they'd hired for father's funeral

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA: A grieving Black family had their mourning interrupted when their White next-door neighbors allegedly harassed them over a limousine parked in front of their property. The neighbors reportedly called the police on the morning of Audreena Harris’ father's funeral claiming that the limousine was blocking their driveway. Harris then took out her phone and recorded the events, even posting proof that the neighbors' claim was a false one.
“I have [Karens] next door,” Harris reportedly wrote on TikTok. As per the Daily Dot, her video shows her family, all dressed up and outside their house, getting ready to go to her father’s funeral, when a loud argument could be heard taking place between someone in her family and a White couple next door standing on their porch.
“They saying we in front of their house,” she said. “It’s my daddy’s funeral and they’re over here recording us and arguing with us and he do this all the time.”
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The male neighbor reportedly responded by making gestures indicating she’s just talking too much. His voice is not audible in the video. Harris then walked down to the limo to show it was parked in front of the yard area between the two houses, but wasn’t blocking the neighbor’s driveway. “I want y’all to see that we are not blocking the driveway,” she said. “I always record. I don’t have nothing parked in front of nothing, ‘cause I know how they are… Let's go y'all, get in the car, please. I got the video, I don’t care.” She also called it “some Karen racist sh*t.”
Before she began filming, Harris said that a limousine pulled up to her house to take her family to her father's funeral service. The man of the elderly couple, she said, approached her brother and asked what was going on. After her brother told him it was their father's funeral, the neighbor replied that they were “always park[ing] in front of [his] house.” When the brother offered to move the cars, the neighbor said that their family “always [does] this.”
The neighbor then pointed his finger into her brother's face, Harris told the Daily Mail. "At that point everyone got angry,” she said, adding, she ran inside to get her phone to “prove” to her landlord that “they are just picking on [her].” When she came back outside, they were calling the police.
She told the tabloid that, in addition to calling the police, her neighbors texted her landlord, telling them that when he took the trash outside “15 to 20 attacked him” and that those people were “outside their house threatening them.” The police, according to Harris, arrived at the house after the family had left for the funeral.
In a caption of her TikTok video, Harris wrote that “losing my daddy was the worse thing in life and this is how we had to start our day off, I couldn’t even focus on my dad's funeral because of them.” Her father, MarVie Lee Harris, died on September 24. “I’m at my father's funeral are the first 45 minutes to an hour my landlord is texting me about this and I have to tell her I am literally at my fathers funeral burying my dad,” she told the Mail. “Can this wait?”
In a follow up video, Harris said that her neighbors' behavior isn't new. “I’ve been living here for four years, and for the last four years this is how they treated us,” she said. “They’ve called the police on my kids, my brother, she’s had the police come to my house numerous times, she writes numerous letters to my landlord. Every time she has a problem I always try to fix it. I’m not a disrespectful person, I wasn’t raised like that, I’m a respectful person.”