Airport 'Karen' slut-shames 2 women in viral video, says one of them doesn't have 't*ts'

A woman who has now been dubbed a "Karen" had a shouting argument with two women about how they were dressed at an airport, according to footage published on the website r/PublicFreakout, news outlets revealed on Tuesday, August 17.
There have been all kinds of 'Karens' making news lately. Some of them include the 'Pool Karen', 'Aunt Karen', 'Playground Karen' and 'Drunken NJ Karen.' Recently, a TikToker was promptly branded a 'Gym Karen' after she was seen complaining about people walking past her camera, which was propped in the middle of a public gymnasium as she tried to record her workout. Karen is a derogatory name for a White woman who appears entitled or demanding in ways that are out of the ordinary.
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The original video of Tuesday's 'Airport Karen' was uploaded on TikTok, however, it looks that it was removed. The exact location of the occurrence is unknown, as are the identities of the individuals involved. It's unclear what started the fight amongst the women, but the tape starts with the three women in the middle of an argument.
“Oh you must be really attracted to my a** if you’re checking it out,” one of the women exclaims to the Karen, according to The Daily Dot. The unnamed Karen then remarked something incomprehensible about the woman's backside and told her: "You're the one without the t*ts," according to the footage.
The video, which was posted by Reddit user u/sleepbeep, has over 6,000 upvotes and nearly 1,000 comments. “Why can’t people just mind their own business… It’s not difficult,” a Reddit user commented. Another replied: “Really takes stress off of you too. You can just worry about yourself and nothing else. I got enough crap I gotta deal with every day. I don’t have the physical or emotional energy to worry about how another person dresses."
One of the women told the Karen that she shouldn't "blame" her for having little breasts, claiming she's content with her figure. Several onlookers applauded her enthusiastically.
“Wow, people are so judgy just because we don’t look like all of you basic b****s,” one of the women said, to which the Karen replied in a sarcastic tone: “Thank God." But the woman snapped back, “Yeah, thank God I’m not basic as f**k.” Karen then informed her, "You're not nothing," but it's unclear whether she meant to use a double negative or whether she meant that the woman really is 'nothing'. However, the woman then claimed to be worth a lot of money, claiming to earn $40,000 every month. Karen questioned whether she was a prostitute, as if that were the only reason for her high income.
“No, I ain’t no prostitute. I don’t sell my p***y,” the woman shouted. “But everyone fucking loves to look at my t*ts. They pay thousands of dollars for it.” Some people at the airport were taken aback by the amount of money the woman claimed to make, while others awaited her to reveal her OnlyFans username, which she did not.
“I was waiting for her to drop her OF page…pencil and pad at the ready,” one viewer commented. “Shit 40K a month, just hire me to deal with the people, I’ll stick something in their butt,” another said. Several viewers chastised Karen for interfering in the affairs of the younger ladies, while others claimed she shouldn't have mentioned her possible OnlyFans.
“Scumbags have a hard time liking themselves, thus they prefer to sh*t on others,” one Redditer commented about the Karen. Another said, “Older women are the biggest slut shamers of young women in particular.”
"They are all so dumb. I wish everyone would shut up! These public outbursts are embarrassing for everyone involved. I mean I’m clearly on the young people side, but she didn’t need to tell her about people paying to see her naked. Why tell her anything? It changed nothing," another added.
Watch the video here: