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There's one big difference between the US and UK editions of 'Love Is Blind', and it speaks volumes

'Love Is Blind' UK debuted this year and is airing on Netflix
'Love Is Blind' UK is giving tough competition to the US version (@netflix)
'Love Is Blind' UK is giving tough competition to the US version (@netflix)

WASHINGTON DC: 'Love Is Blind' has become a global phenomenon Netflix, with adaptations popping up in various countries. As the US version rolls into its seventh season, 2024 also marks the debut of 'Love Is Blind' UK. With both iterations airing simultaneously, the UK version is quickly taking the crown, thanks to its authenticity and raw storytelling that resonate deeply with viewers. In contrast, the US edition often faces criticism for resembling a fame contest.

The UK cast shines with genuine conversations, meaningful pairings, and thoughtful handling of life outside the pods. The show also tackles topics like fertility, financial management, and cultural differences, offering a deeper connection. Contestants like Ollie Isaac have defied first impressions, proving there’s more than meets the eye. That’s the magic of 'Love Is Blind' UK: it’s unpredictable.

Meanwhile, the US counterpart leans heavily into drama, with contestants leading separate lives beyond the show, juggling fiancés or even texting ex-girlfriends. Reports suggest that many US participants are recruited rather than signing up voluntarily, leading to questions about their intentions. It often feels like they are more interested in the spotlight than in building lasting relationships.

Ramses and Marissa face love challenges (@netflix)
Many 'Love Is Blind' US participants are recruited rather than signing up voluntarily (@netflix)

'Love Is Blind' UK brings an older, more mature cast

While 'Love Is Blind' UK differs from the US version in several ways, one crucial factor that shapes the experience is the age range of contestants. The UK version tends to feature older participants, mostly in their mid to late 30s, whereas the US version focuses on younger individuals, with many under 30. This age difference brings a level of maturity to the UK show, resulting in more thoughtful conversations about life beyond the pods.

In the UK edition, couples openly discuss the possibility of not getting married, whereas US contestants often promise to wed, only to reach the altar and humiliate their partner. These awkward moments are notably absent from the UK version. Moreover, the UK cast appears more articulate and genuine, engaging in the process without the hidden agenda of gaining Instagram followers.

'Love Is Blind' UK differs from the US version in several ways (@netflix)

UK couples show growth and fewer problematic dynamics

Unlike the emotionally unavailable or narcissistic men often seen in the US version, the men on 'Love Is Blind' UK are open communicators who actively ease their partners' concerns. They come across as characters seemingly written by women, showing remarkable growth with each episode. For instance, Bobby Johnson's reassurance to Jasmine, who struggles with past trauma from infidelity, feels like a moment unlikely to happen in the US version, where such cycles of heartbreak often repeat.

The UK men also display a deep connection with their emotional side, like the time Steven Smith candidly shared his past heartbreak. Conversations extend beyond the pods, as seen with Tom Stroud, who expresses concerns about being accepted by Maria Benkh’s Muslim family. Even though not every couple reaches the altar, the romantic and dreamy moments between them leave a lasting impression.

Steven Smith candidly shared his past heartbreak on 'Love Is Blind' (@netflix)

The perfect balance of drama sets 'Love Is Blind' UK apart from the US

While 'Love Is Blind' UK delivers delightful pairings, it also brings its fair share of drama. However, it's not quite like its US counterpart. For instance, Sam Klein, criticized by other male contestants for his superficial nature, ultimately rejected his partner, Nicole Stevens, over shallow concerns. Similarly, Catherine Richards came off as toxic after learning that her partner, Freddie Powell, had cheated in a past relationship.

Despite Powell showing remorse, Richards couldn’t move past it, leading to Powell rejecting her at the altar. However, the UK version strikes a balance with heartfelt romances, unlike the US edition, where contestants often focus excessively on looks, comparing themselves to celebrities like Megan Fox.

'Love Is Blind' star Catherine Richards came off as toxic towards her partner Freddie Powell (@netflix)

'Love is Blind' Season 7 airs every Wednesday at 3 am ET on Netflix.