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'The Boys' Season 4: Hughie and Butcher's complicated relationship in comics hints at tragedy

Butcher's final encounter with Hughie marks his moral decline and ultimate downfall, bringing a pathetic and fitting end to his journey in 'The Boys'
Butcher, grieving Becca and his brother's deaths, saw Hughie as his conscience to prevent a deadly plan to kill millions (@primevideo)
Butcher, grieving Becca and his brother's deaths, saw Hughie as his conscience to prevent a deadly plan to kill millions (@primevideo)

Contains spoilers and speculations for 'The Boys'

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: In 'The Boys' comic series, Billy Butcher meets a surprising end when Hughie, his former student, fatally stabs him in issue #71. Driven by grief and misled about his parents' death, Butcher tricks Hughie into killing him.

Despite Butcher's mission to take revenge on corrupt Supes like The Seven, whom he sees as fake heroes, his story concludes with a disturbing smile as Hughie delivers the fatal blow.

Butcher leads The Boys, a team aiming to expose and eliminate villainous Supes posing as heroes. His quest for vengeance begins after his wife's tragic death at the hands of Homelander (later revealed as Black Noir).

Over time, Butcher's pursuit of justice turns darker, leading him to betray his own teammates. His final encounter with Hughie marks his moral decline and ultimate downfall, bringing a pathetic and fitting end to his journey in 'The Boys'.

How did Butcher trick Hughie to kill him in 'The Boys' comics?

Karl Urban and Jack Quaid in a still from 'The Boys' (@primevideo)
Karl Urban and Jack Quaid in a still from 'The Boys' (PrimeVideo/@janthijs)

In 'The Boys' comic series, Billy Butcher's vendetta against Supes reaches a shocking climax when he unexpectedly kills Mother's Milk, Frenchie, and The Female (Kimiko).

In a fierce battle with Hughie atop the Empire State Building, both are gravely injured and Butcher reveals intimate details about his late wife. He advises Hughie to cherish Starlight, unsure of his own future.

When Hughie decides to leave the wounded Butcher to be captured, Butcher confesses a devastating lie—he claims to have killed Hughie's parents as payback. Enraged and betrayed, Hughie stabs Butcher in retaliation, unaware that Butcher had manipulated him into committing the act.

This twist ends Butcher's dark journey in a planned and tragic manner.

Butcher recruited Hughie solely to stop him in 'The Boys'

Karl Urban and Jack Quaid in a still from 'The Boys' (@PrimeVideo/@janthijs)
Karl Urban and Jack Quaid in a still from 'The Boys' (@PrimeVideo/@janthijs)

Butcher ultimately chose Hughie to kill him as a twisted way to show how much their time together in 'The Boys' had affected him. His death, marked by a deceitful smile as he falsely claimed responsibility for killing Hughie's parents, signaled his acceptance that his mission was over.

Turning the once innocent member of The Boys into his executioner represented Butcher's final act of control and a traumatic experience for Hughie. It was a fittingly grim farewell for Butcher, underscoring his lasting influence over Hughie until the end.

In his death, Butcher orchestrated a dramatic exit by killing The Boys and manipulating Hughie into killing him with a cruel lie. As a Supe-killer, Butcher likely planned his own death from the moment he recruited Hughie.

Becoming the series' ultimate antagonist, he wielded power over his circumstances until the very end. Choosing Hughie to carry out his death added one last twist to the life he forever altered in 'The Boys' comic series.

Butcher and Hughie have a complicated relationship in 'The Boys' comics but it might not carry to the show 

Karl Urban and Jack Quaid in a still from 'The Boys' (@primevideo)
Karl Urban and Jack Quaid in a still from 'The Boys' (@primevideo)

In the comic series, Butcher brought Hughie into 'The Boys' because Hughie reminded him of his dead little brother. Butcher, consumed by grief over the deaths of Becca and his brother, believed he had lost his conscience.

He hoped Hughie could keep him in check and prevent him from carrying out a plan that would have caused the deaths of millions, driven by his intense hatred of Supes.

However, the TV adaptation on Prime Video seems unlikely to follow the exact storyline. In the comics, Butcher's goal was to eradicate all Supes, leading him to turn against his own team members.

Since the show portrays members of The Boys as human, Butcher lacks a motive to harm them along with the Supes.

With no reason to target The Boys, Butcher wouldn't need Hughie to intervene and stop him as in the comic's conclusion.

While this ending was compelling for the comics, it's unlikely that viewers will witness Billy Butcher meeting his end at the hands of this unexpected ally in 'The Boys' TV series.

'The Boys' Season 4 trailer


6 episodes of 'The Boys' Season 4 are available to stream on Prime Video