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'The Boys' Season 4 Episode 4: Hughie's mom's Compound-V stunt raises questions about her hidden motive

Hughie's mother's secret injection of Compound V into his father's IV adds complexity and raises questions about her motives in 'The Boys' Episode 4
The unexpected twist of Hughie's mother helping his father raises questions about her motives and adds a new layer of complexity to the storyline (@primevideo)
The unexpected twist of Hughie's mother helping his father raises questions about her motives and adds a new layer of complexity to the storyline (@primevideo)

Contains spoilers and speculations for 'The Boys' 

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: In 'The Boys' Season 4, Episode 4, Hughie faces a heart-wrenching decision when his father suffers a stroke. This tragic event brings Hughie face-to-face with his long-estranged mother, Daphne, after years apart.

As he grapples with the fear of losing the father who raised him, Hughie turns to A-Train for help, seeking Compound V to potentially save his dad.

Despite A-Train coming through, Hughie struggles with conflicting emotions about altering his father's fate in such a profound way. Before saying his final goodbyes, Butcher offers Hughie some perspective on the weight of his choice. Ultimately, Hughie decides to let his father pass naturally rather than intervene with Compound V.

However, the episode takes a shocking turn when Hughie's mother discovers the vial of Compound V and secretly administers it into Hugh's IV. This unexpected twist raises questions about her motives and adds a new layer of complexity to the storyline.

Why did Hughie's mother inject his father with Compound V?

Hughie's mother injects his father with Compund V in 'The Boys' (@primevideo)
Hughie's mother injects his father with Compound V in 'The Boys' (@primevideo)

In 'The Boys' Season 4, Hughie's mother returns with deep regrets about leaving her family due to post-partum depression. Despite feeling guilty, she doesn't explain her actions in Episode 4.

She mistakenly administers Compound V to Hugh, thinking Hughie intends to use it on his father. Unaware of Hughie's last-minute decision against it, she believes she's helping by giving him what he desperately wants: a chance to save his father and make up for past mistakes.

Is there a hidden motive behind Hughie's mother's unexpected decision?

Rosemarie DeWitt in a still from 'The Boys' (@primevideo)
Rosemarie DeWitt in a still from 'The Boys' (@primevideo)

Daphne's actions in 'The Boys' Season 4, Episode 4 may stem from guilt, but they also hint at a hidden motive unknown to Hughie and viewers. Her sudden reappearance raises suspicions, despite possible explanations the show offers.

The discovery of Compound V by Daphne seems too convenient, prompting questions about her intentions after Hughie leaves the room. It's unclear why she wants to keep Hughie alive—or possibly use the V on him.

While Daphne admits to ties with Vought in the show's first three episodes, she downplays her involvement. There's a chance her role in the company is larger than she admits.

Given that Homelander and The Seven are aware of Hughie, it's plausible they've recruited her to assist in their plans against the Campbells. Only time will reveal if Daphne has deeper motives, but her surprising actions in Episode 4 suggest she deserves closer scrutiny.

How is Daphne Campbell's decision going to affect her relationship with Hughie?

Hughie and his mother sit beside his father during his final moments in 'The Boys' (@primevideo)
Hughie and his mother sit beside his father during his final moments in 'The Boys' (@primevideo)

Whatever Daphne's reasons for injecting Hugh with Compound V, 'The Boys' Season 4 intensifies the divide between Hughie and his mother. Hughie's decision not to use the substance on his father suggests he won't be pleased with his mother taking matters into her own hands.

Although Hugh wakes up seemingly unaffected, the truth is likely to surface. Any complications Hugh faces will be pinned on Daphne, along with any anger he harbors for receiving Compound V. This further strains Hughie's already tense relationship with his mom.

Whether Compound V will cause a significant rift between Hughie and Daphne remains uncertain. However, Daphne's actions might make Hughie suspicious of her motives — perhaps rightfully so.

Hughie's reaction depends on his father's condition after waking from his coma. If Hugh is truly unharmed, Hughie might eventually thank his mother for intervening.

Yet, in 'The Boys,' more surprises often lie ahead for the Campbell family. If things go wrong, Daphne has positioned herself as the one to blame.

What does 'The Boys' have in store for Hughie's father?

Simon Pegg and Jack Quaid in a still from 'The Boys' (@primevideo)
Simon Pegg and Jack Quaid in a still from 'The Boys' (@primevideo)

In 'The Boys' season 4, Hughie's dad potentially gaining superpowers is more exciting than the prospect of his mother becoming a villain. Simon Pegg, our beloved actor on the show, finally gets a substantial role by injecting Hugh with Compound V.

If Hughie's dad does become a Supe, whether as powerful as The Seven or with different abilities, it offers Pegg compelling new material. This development could make him a valuable ally to The Boys, though it might strain family dynamics.

Daphne's actions raise questions as the season progresses, adding complexity to Hughie's already tumultuous journey.

'The Boys' trailer


4 episodes of 'The Boys' Season 4 are available to stream on Prime Video