Kaylee Goncalves: Cops find no evidence that murdered University of Idaho student had a stalker

MOSCOW, IDAHO: The stalker of Kaylee Goncalves, 21, a victim of the University of Idaho shooting, has not been confirmed or identified, according to police in Moscow, Idaho. The Moscow Police Department issued a report on the status of the investigation on Tuesday evening, November 22, stating, "Investigators have looked extensively into information they received about Kaylee Goncalves having a stalker," adding “They have pursued hundreds of pieces of information related to this topic and have not been able to verify or identify a stalker."
The news came after police earlier on Tuesday indicated they were investigating reports that Goncalves had a stalker. Aaron Snell, Idaho State Police spokesman said to ABC News, "We’re aware of these various reports and we’re investigating." It's been more than a week after the tragedy and police have not made any suspects in the stabbing deaths of Goncalves and three other students, Ethan Chapin, 20, Xana Kernodle, 20, and Madison Mogen, 21.
The Moscow neighborhood is living in fear because the killer is still at large, according to Snell, Idaho State Police spokesman who expressed his continued "optimism" that cops will crack the case soon. He said, "There is a piece of evidence out there somewhere that’s gonna help us solve this case. We continue to work hard and we want the community to know what we’re doing."
Steve and Kristi Goncalves, Kaylee's parents, claimed that the police informed them that the killer was "sloppy" and had left a jumble of evidence. Police stated that although the motivation is yet unknown, it seems that the victims were targeted. New York Post reported that Moscow Police Chief James Fry warned on Monday, "It was a complex and terrible crime and it will take some time to resolve." Also, he said, "We believe they’re targeted because we take the totality of all the circumstances we’re looking at. Do we know any one person that was targeted?" Fry added, "We’re not able to say at this point in time due to our investigation, but we still believe that."
As investigators from numerous different agencies came down to the city of approximately 25,000 people, the police got more than 600 tips and conducted a number of interviews. Former FBI agent Brad Garrett suggested to ABC News that the murderer or murderers may have been aware of the three-story property design which neighbors had dubbed a "party house," before their murderous spree. According to investigators, the four students were all slain between three and four in the morning while the two remaining roommates slept in a different area of the home. According to Garrett, "It tells me that someone came into the house with a comfort level, that they probably knew their way around the house," reported New York Post.