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TikTok NyQuil chicken challenge: FDA issues WARNING as reckless teens try outrageous 'sleepy' recipe

'The challenge sounds silly and unappetizing — and it is. But it could also be very unsafe,' said FDA as it warned of brain damage risks
Sep 21, 2022

AMERICA'S STD CRISIS: Cases of Syphilis and HIV spike as condom usage plummets

With decline in use of condoms, syphilis cases have gone up by 26% while HIV sees a 16% rise from last year, along with worsening rise in monkey pox
Sep 20, 2022

How did 'HojuSara' die? Fans mourn YouTuber Sara Holmes who died at 31

Holmes boasted 340,000 subscribers and was known for her videos about Korean food, culture, travel and beauty
Sep 6, 2022

'80% of people survive': Jane Fonda, 84, says she's being treated for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

Jane Fonda said she's 'handling the treatments quite well', noting that she will not let the cancer interfere with her climate-change activism
Sep 3, 2022

Texas resident dies of monkeypox marking what may be the first US death from the virus

The person was 'severely immuno-compromised' at the time of their death and had monkeypox, officials said
Aug 31, 2022

Carter Stone: Agoura High School football player, 15, dies tragically the night before his first game

Carter Stone, 15, suffered a cardiac arrest while undergoing shoulder surgery and died the night before he was set to star in his first football game
Aug 31, 2022

What is Septic Arthritis? Mother issues stark warning after docs MISS 7-yr-old son's deadly illness

Claire O'Dowd described how the events of her son's deadly disease unfolded after he was misdiagnosed
Aug 27, 2022

'Keep your dogs home': Vets warn of unknown CPV-like illness KILLING dogs in Michigan

Authorities informed that although the mystery illness originated in Louisiana, it is now spreading throughout the nation
Aug 24, 2022

Doctors issue stark warning AGAINST TikTok's viral calamine lotion make-up hack

'It might make you look good in the short term, but it's just not worth the risk,' said an expert
Aug 21, 2022

Charli Johnson: Girl, 9, saves mother's life using CPR after getting instructions from medic over phone

Drew Hebbron from the Queensland Ambulance Service awarded Charli Johnson a certificate of appreciation for bravery and composure
Aug 20, 2022

Nebraska child dies due to brain-eating amoeba infection after swimming in Elkhorn River

Infection from brain-eating amoeba or Naegleria fowleri is incredibly rare but it is highly deadly, killing around 97% of people who are infected
Aug 19, 2022

Easton Oliverson: Utah baseball player, 12, in coma after fracturing his skull in fall from bunk bed

Easton Oliverson who goes by the name, Tanks, is a pitcher and outfielder for Utah's Snow Canyon Little League team
Aug 17, 2022

Gay porn star Silver Steele reveals battle with monkey pox that could leave him scarred for life

Silver Steele, a gay porn star, was diagnosed with monkeypox in mid-July and spent more than three weeks with severe ulcers on his face
Aug 17, 2022

First case of human-to-pet transmission of monkeypox detected after dog contracts virus from gay couple

Scientists are studying the case of an Italian greyhound contracting the virus from its owners after licking them and sleeping near them
Aug 16, 2022

How dangerous is the Langya virus? China hit by new henipavirus that jumped from SHREWS to humans

There is currently no vaccine or treatment for the virus, the symptoms of which are fever, cough, myalgia, and anorexia among others
Aug 10, 2022

California becomes third US state to DECLARE EMERGENCY as monkeypox cases rise

California's declaration comes after Illinois and New York declared a public health emergency over the weekend
Aug 2, 2022

NY polio patient may have caught infection from strain found in Rockland County sewage water

The patient was infected with the same strain of the virus discovered earlier this year in Jerusalem and London, say researchers
Aug 2, 2022

Who is Dr Sylvain Lesné? How a 'manipulated' 2006 Alzheimer's study may have undone decades of hope and research

New evidence suggests that part of a renowned study that gave new direction to Alzheimer's research may have been fabricated
Jul 31, 2022

What is meningoencephalitis? Pennsylvania boy, 3, contracts rare illness from TICK BITE

The toddler was swimming in a neighbor’s pool when his mom noticed a small speck on his right shoulder blade, it was a tick smaller than a pen point
Jul 31, 2022

New York is first state to declare monkeypox outbreak a 'Disaster Emergency', here's what it means for you

New York has recorded 1,345 cases, the highest number of monkeypox cases in the United States, according to the CDC data
Jul 31, 2022