'They had loud parties': Neighbors of slain University of Idaho students speak about 'party house'

MOSCOW, IDAHO: As the hunt for the killer continues, neighbors have opened up about the murdered University of Idaho students' rental house stating that they often had "loud parties." Jeremy Reagan, a third-year law student who lives nearby, dubbed it a "party house," adding, "There were parties that were kind of loud. As I would take my dog in and out to go to the bathroom, I would just be walking by, I would look up and I would see people in the windows almost every night, probably four or five nights a week. There were a lot of people that went into and out of that house pretty frequently."
Heather Tetwiler, another neighbor told Fox News, "It's just been crazy, just how quiet it's been. They always had a little gathering, so they always have music going." However, the neighbor added that the victims were respectful, and their social gatherings were typical of a college campus. Police are yet to make headway in the case even though it has been more than a week since Kaylee Goncalves, Madison Mogen, Xana Kernodle and Ethan Chapin were fatally stabbed inside their home near the college campus in Moscow, Idaho.
Two other roommates, who were reportedly sleeping when the murder took place, later called 911 to report the incident, authorities reportedly revealed. Police are yet to discover the weapon that was used in the killing. Police had earlier said that they were "making progress" in terms of following up on leads.
They disclosed that a profile of the alleged murderer was being created by the behavioral analysis unit. Police also released a map that showed all four victims' locations before the murders took place. Anyone with information about the crime or a tip about the victim's whereabouts, or a suspicious person in the area is asked to call 208-883-7180 or email tipline@ci.moscow.id.us.