'Mayor of Kingstown' Episode 10 Review: Acting and plot lead to nail-biting finale

With 'Mayor of Kingstown' finally reaching its season finale, it goes without saying that viewers are eager for what lies in store for Mike McLusky (Jeremy Renner) the next season, as well as how he handles Kingstown's inmates after the prison breakout.
Episode 10, the last of Season 1, is a perfect portrayal of 'survival of the fittest'. We see Ian Ferguson (Hugh Dillon) and Kyle McLusky (Taylor Handley) navigating their way through the prison cells, a worried Mike McLusky as he puts on a brave face to bring his brother back to safety, and barely functioning Iris (Emma Laird), who is still trying to cope and heal from her traumas.
'Mayor of Kingstown' Episode 9: Iris asks a favor of Mike and cries her heart out
'Mayor of Kingstown' Episode 9 Fan Review: Prison break makes viewers 'shake with tension'
If you've been following 'Mayor of Kingstown' religiously from the very first episode, you're sure to have experienced a sea of emotions by now, coupled with a newfound respect for all the actors playing their parts: Not a single role was an easy one. Having said that, Episode 10 sees the series at its peak. With prison inmates having broken out of their cells, staging a riot, taking charge, all whilst being merciless, we're bound to keep thinking (with every passing minute) that the worst is yet to come.
Mike's brother, Kyle McLusky, and his colleague Ian Ferguson are the last men standing from their squad, after entering the dangerous territory. All the others from the team were shot dead, point-blank in the head. One of the most commendable aspects in this episode is how perfectly the rescue mission was planned, to get both of them out as soon as Mike got Kyle's text message. It was probably the most terrifying scenario, with prisoners going ballistic with the shooting and all hell breaking loose.
Another brilliant aspect is the way Mike handled the grave situation at hand. So much rode on how he negotiated with the inmates. Since he has been in prison before, the prisoners were only willing to confide in him, and even still, Mike was patient, all the while knowing that his baby brother and comrade are somewhere in the same vicinity. Truly a hero, in all aspects.
So what's next? Now that the mission has been carried out, what lies in store for Mike?
Let's hope to see a second season soon, fingers crossed!