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'MAFS' fans slam Gil's 'fragile ego' after grumbling about Myrla's spending habits

Although she wasn't a fan-favorite, to begin with, Myrla has garnered support seeing that she is able to sustain her lifestyle
UPDATED OCT 28, 2021
Gil and Myrla on 'Married At First Sight' (Instagram/mafslifetime)
Gil and Myrla on 'Married At First Sight' (Instagram/mafslifetime)

One of the most unlikely couples to come out of Season 13 of 'Married At First Sight' would certainly have to Myrla and Gil. At the start of the season, it seemed like they were doomed to fail. Myrla had nothing but criticism to offer when it came to their honeymoon. And then there was Gil's constant grumbling about her money spending habits.

With their added lack of intimacy, it seemed like they were going to call it quits sooner than expected. However, the two took time out to work on their foundation and to truly get to know each other. It seems to have worked in their favor, seeing that they are now one of the most stable couples on the show. However, an old problem seems to have cropped up again, threatening to ruin their peace.

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With Dr Pepper Schwartz visiting the couples, she brought up the all-important question regarding their future and finances. Gil seemed to bring up Myrla's spending again. Myrla defended her lifestyle, having shown Gil earlier just how poor she grew up and why she enjoyed having nice things. For her, she spent money but also saved money, so there was no immediate issue in her spending habits. Fans, who were previously not exactly on Myrla's side, came swiftly to her defense. 

"Honestly, I need someone to breakdown why Gil is so concerned about her spending habits if she is able to budget AND save more efficiently than him. It almost comes off as if he is insecure after “not worrying about money” for so long. #MAFS #MarriedAtFirstSight" tweeted a fan. "Some people are just opposed to shopping regardless of whether you can afford to do it or not. They think it’s dumb so they will constantly harangue you about it. #MAFS" added another. "I’m on Mryla side on this own.. she been living her lifestyle as saved a lot.. i know there is compromise in the marriage but don’t police her fun. #MAFS" said a fan. "Gil, you can't expect her to live like a pauper when she's worked hard to get where she's at. How 'bout you figure out how to up your contibution?!  #MAFS #MAFSHouston" stated another. "Myrla has come a long way. Gil needs to chill a bit. He wants her to be like him & that's not going to happen. She likes to shop, but her bills are paid & she also saves. Nothing wrong with that. #MarriedAtFirstSight #MAFSHouston #MAFS" pointed out a fan. "Gil controlling Myrla's shopping is solely away to rebuild his fragile ego b/c he was matched w/a woman who is growing to want him but not need him. Its covert controlling behavior. #mafs #mafshouston #MarriedAtFirstSight #marriedatfirstsightHouston" stated another.







Catch 'Married at First Sight' Season 13 on Wednesdays at 8 pm ET/PT on Lifetime.