'Love is Blind: Japan': Will Motomi's family accept Ryotaro?

The latest episode of Netflix's 'Love is Blind: Japan' sees a very nervous Ryotaro gearing up to meet his fiancee, Motomi's parents. She gave him a heads up saying that her father is very strict, quite orthodox, and unconventional as well.
Although Ryotaro was keen on keeping his blonde hair, he himself took the initiative to dye it black so as to make a good first impression on Motomi's family, especially her dad. He really wanted to showcase how serious he is about pursuing Motomi on the reality dating show. Will his efforts reap benefits? Read on to find out!
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Having said that, the big step of meeting the girl's family was pretty anxiety-inducing; for both Ryotaro as well as the viewers, for sure!
Motomi's father, Hiroyuki, straight up tells him that he is completely against this idea, right off the bat. Although he mentions that he had a lot on his mind prior to meeting the hairstylist, he kept Motomi's decision in mind and decided to adjust a little. He also thought that how the two met was indeed unique. Finally, a silver lining! The old man has been swayed a little.
Both her parents give the couple some solid advice. Motomi's mother explains how a husband and wife should complete each other and support one another through all the highs and lows. Her mother, Etsuyo, also mentions that Motomi is one to cry easily, so Ryotaro must never be the reason for her to shed a tear. They should also always take care of one another, no matter what life throws at them.
Motomi's sister, Marie, asks Ryotaro what made him choose her little sister amongst a sea of prospective women on the game. To this, Ryotaro confidently said that Motomi has a wonderful way with words. He could also make out from just her voice that she's a very kind person at heart. He also said, "She has a beautiful heart. Truly befitting the meaning of her name". Motomi translates to "beauty" in Japanese. Wow, that's an adorable thing to say. The man's got a way with words too!
Both Ryotaro and Motomi cordially and respectfully agree. Ryotaro feels very grateful to have met his fiance's parents, and also feels quite lucky to be a part of the family.
The last 2 episodes of Season 1 of 'Love is Blind: Japan' were released on February 22, 2022, on Netflix.