'Love is Blind: Japan': Misaki thinks that he and Kaoru have lots in common

The recent episode of 'Love is Blind: Japan' sees how brutally honest Misaki is to Kaoru regarding his feelings for her. The two have a strong rapport and have a lot in common too.
In addition, Misaki seems pretty confident and also says that he can make her laugh under any circumstances, on the reality dating show. Kaoru found herself laughing nonstop at this, and slowly realized that what he said in passing is actually true. Are they both on the same page? Read on to find out more about Netflix's hottest show right now.
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One of the many things the two have in common is Kenya, something that Misaki seems to be fixated on. Working as a basketball coach in Kenya, and with Karou herself having ventured to Africa, Misaki fancies the thought of them getting together. In hindsight, Misaki tells Kaoru that he's liked her since they first started talking.
In addition, the two are 31 years old, and are fond lovers of animals, with pet dogs of their own.
In addition, Kaoru thinks that Misaki is quite acceptable as a person. Without even having met him in person, she thinks that he'll be understanding enough to confide her past life and insecurities with. Kaoru decides to tell Misaki about her traumatic past (regarding her father getting caught for drugs) when she gets to meet him in person. And of course, Misaki respects her decision in wanting to do so.
The more he converses with her, the more certain Misaki is about his first choice being Kaoru. On the other hand, Kaoru confides in Misaki saying that the age gap is something she's insecure about. Additionally, she also says that she isn't completely ready to make a call yet, and thinks it's best to take some time to think things over before diving headfirst into a proposal.
Having said that, is what they have and share on a surface level enough to sustain a lifelong commitment? Stay tuned to find out!
'Love is Blind: Japan' was released on February 8, 2022, on Netflix.