Lady Alpha on 'Shark Tank': Cost and how to buy nursing cover with fan to keep your baby cool in heat
GILBERT, ARIZONA: Jeremy Samuelson and Jacqueline Samuelson will pitch Lady Alpha to a panel of five Sharks on 'Shark Tank' Season 15 and discuss its development possibilities.
They'll need to persuade Robert Herjavec, Barbara Corcoran, Lori Greiner, Kevin O'Leary, and Mark Cuban that the firm is worth a Shark investment.
Lady Alpha claims to be the world's only nursing cover that allows ventilation! There are 16 unique air exits with three airspeeds, and the neckline is adjustable and adaptable!
A white noise-like effect/soft buzz from the fan blocks out distracting sounds, allowing the infant to fully concentrate on feeding.
Your infant no longer has to sweat and be uncomfortable while wearing standard nursing covers, and mothers no longer have to lose out on family time attempting to keep their baby from overheating; introduce: the flawlessly designed Nursing Cool Cover!
Keeps your baby cool when nursing by offering the ideal amount of shade, covering, and ventilation with the incorporated fan.

What is Lady Alpha on 'Shark Tank' Season 15?
The Nursing Cool Cover is the best option for keeping your baby cool and comfortable during feedings if you're a breastfeeding mother sick of dealing with uncomfortable covers that make your baby sweaty and fussy. Say goodbye to the days of battling with traditional covers!
Consider a nursing cover made with you and your baby in mind, with an incorporated fan to give a soft breeze while you nurse. That's precisely what Lady Alpha provides: a combination of creativity, functionality, and comfort to make nursing a breeze.
What distinguishes the Nursing Cool Cover:
Light and airy: The Nursing Cool Cover has a light and airy feel, making nursing a comfortable and delightful experience for both you and your baby.
One size fits all: Designed with the ideal quantity of cloth, it fits all sizes while offering covering and comfort.
White Noise Effect: The steady buzz of the fan creates a calming white noise-like effect, allowing your baby to focus on feeding and even fall asleep.
Inconspicuous and Functional: Its inconspicuous design guarantees privacy when breastfeeding in public, and its usefulness makes it an essential item for nursing mothers.
Long-lasting Battery: Say goodbye to frequent battery replacements! The Nursing Cool Cover has a long battery life, guaranteeing continuous comfort for you and your baby.
Convenient Design: With a flexible and durable view, you can keep eye contact with your baby during the feeding session, making nursing easier.
Safety First: The blade-less fan design promotes safety, making it ideal for your baby's delicate fingers and your own hair.
Adjustable Airflow: With three conveniently accessible air speeds, you can tailor the airflow to your baby's specific needs, guaranteeing a comfortable feeding experience each time.
Cooling Comfort: Stop worrying about your baby overheating while feeding. The Nursing Cool Cover's embedded fan provides ideal airflow, keeping your child cool and comfortable.

Who are the founders of 'Shark Tank' Season 15 product Lady Alpha?
Jeremy is an inventive, results-driven category management specialist with over 7 years of sourcing and procurement experience discovering and executing cost-cutting solutions within certain business categories. He has also demonstrated success in leading cross-functional teams, negotiating complicated contracts, and finding and executing cost savings and process improvement possibilities.
In 2015, Jeremy earned a Bachelor of Social Sciences degree from Dickinson State University. In 2019, he received his Master's degree in Health Administration.
Jeremy began working at Helena Chemical Company Southwest as an Anhydrous Ammonia Plant Facilitator in 2012. In 2017, he began working as a University Counselor II at Grand Canyon University.
Jeremy has been working as HonorHealth's Strategic Sourcing Program Manager for the past two years.
Meanwhile, Jacqueline graduated from Red Mountain High School before working as a sales coordinator for Brady Industries. She currently owns Lady Alpha with her husband.

What is the cost and how to buy Lady Alpha?
The Cool Covers are available in five colors: hot pink, cool blue, midnight magic, champagne mami, and sage Remington. Each costs $59.95.
They are also available without a connected fan for $34.95. As of the initial air date, the corporation is only selling through pre-orders.
On their website, reviews include testimonials from countless happy mothers. One user wrote, "The nursing cover is amazing! I can finally see my baby with ease and she doesn’t get sweaty while breast feeding anymore :) I highly recommend it!"
On Instagram, users shared their excitement ahead of the 'Shark Tank' appearance. One wrote: "So excited for you! I got my cover yesterday and I’m in LOVE! There won’t be a chance to get a cover after the episode airs because all nursing mamas are going to want it! I’m glad I got mine before used it for the first time today at the airport."
Another person chimed in, "Congratulations! I got mine and I love it!" But there were also complaints like, "Mine shrunk in the first wash."

Where is Lady Alpha now?
Lady Alpha's aim is to reinvent not only breastfeeding but all aspects of parenthood. The idea is a platform that prioritizes ease for you and your kid from conception to 12 months.
The Nursing Cool Cover is simply the beginning of this platform and community, and the founders welcome your participation from the start. They are excited about what they can develop and accomplish together. They most likely require a Shark's cash for inventory.

Who will steal the deal on 'Shark Tank' Season 15?
We believe this business doesn't get a deal. The reason for this is that the company was only accepting pre-orders days before the intended air date.
The episode premieres on March 8, 2024, and pre-orders will not arrive until May. This suggests they missed out on a deal.

'Shark Tank' Season 15, Episode 17, airs on ABC on Friday, March 8, at 8 pm ET. Catch the latest episode featuring products like Boona, Chefee, Lady Alpha, and Let Them Eat Candles.
For those who miss the episode, it will be available on demand the following day and on Hulu. Additionally, viewers can explore past seasons and episodes on Amazon Prime Video and iTunes.