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'Kaos' Season 2: Why the murder of Dennis the black cat could spark revenge from a major god

Dennis's murder in 'Kaos' Season 1 could trigger a divine retaliation in Season 2 of Netflix's mythological series
Dennis's murder in 'Kaos' Season 1 could trigger vengeance in Season 2 (@netflix)
Dennis's murder in 'Kaos' Season 1 could trigger vengeance in Season 2 (@netflix)

Contains spoilers for 'Kaos' Season 1

LONDON, ENGLAND: 'Kaos', the Netflix series reimagining Greek mythology, delivered several standout moments while paving the path for another season. One among them has been the murder of Dennis, a black cat. His death could play a crucial role in 'Kaos' Season 2, potentially sparking a major revenge plot from Hecate, goddess of magic and spells.

Dennis wasn't an ordinary cat. In mythology, black cats are often seen as symbols of magic and mystery. Not only the scene of his death was triggering for viewers, but could have also agitated Hecate, a speculated addition in the next season.

Who killed Dennis in 'Kaos' and why?

A still from 'Kaos' Season 1 (@netflix)
A still from 'Kaos' Season 1 (@netflix)

Towards the end of 'Kaos' Season 1, Zeus tells Dionysus that human love is nothing to be admired for! He then brutally stabs and kills Dennis to death. By killing the cat, he delivers the lesson to Dionysus that he shouldn't love anything lesser than himself.

Any emotional attachment a god had to Dennis could now lead to a dramatic consequence. The show has already hinted that the gods are emotionally vulnerable. Now a murder of a creature connected to them could easily lead to vengeance.

Who is Hecate in Greek mythology? Her connection with black cats explained

Janet McTeer in 'Kaos' (Netflix/@justindowning)
Janet McTeer in 'Kaos' (Netflix/@justindowning)

Hecate isn't portrayed in 'Kaos' Season 1, but Dennis's murder could be an event to push her into the narrative in Season 2. As per a Greek myth, Hera once cursed her servant, Galinthias, who was transformed into a black cat as punishment. Galinthias went on to become an assistant to Hecate.

Since then, black cats have been considered as magical or supernatural beings, owing to their association with goddess Hecate.

As per ancient Greek religion, Hecate is the goddess of magic, spells, the moon, the night, crossroads, and ghosts. She had a popular following amongst the witches of Thessaly.

Dennis's cat in Season 1 could mean a divine retaliation unfolding as a major storyline, intertwining with human affairs and bringing chaos to both realms.

When will 'Kaos' Season 2 release?

Jeff Goldblum in 'Kaos' Season 1 (@netflix)

Despite the positive response, Netflix is yet to confirm Season 2 of 'Kaos'. Assuming that the streaming giant does renew it, we can expect the next season to arrive somewhere around mid-2026.

Several cast members from Season 1 will be returning in their respective roles. This includes Jeff Goldblum as Zeus, Janet McTeer as Hera, Cliff Curtis as Poseidon, and David Thewlis as Hades.

All the episodes of 'Kaos' Season 1 are available to stream on Netflix