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Why Zeus's watch in 'Kaos' is more important than you think

If you've ever wondered why a simple watch has turned a God's life upside down, we're here to discuss all about it with you
Jeff Goldblum's Zeus is the highlight of the show 'Kaos' (@netflix)
Jeff Goldblum's Zeus is the highlight of the show 'Kaos' (@netflix)

This article may contain spoilers and speculation for 'Kaos'

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Jeff Goldblum's Zeus is a flawed and troubled character in Netflix's 'Kaos'. His beloved watch may hold a special significance, but its true meaning gets lost in the show's convoluted plot. As we learn more about the watch's past, it's clear that Zeus is emotionally attached to it. Ironically, the watch becomes a symbol of Zeus's downfall. He becomes so fixated on it that he rejects a gift from his own son, Dionysus. When he finds out that Dionysus trades the watch to help a mortal, he is extremely upset about it, and ultimately turns the other gods against him.

The watch becomes a symbol of Zeus's own flaws - his pride, his stubbornness, and his refusal to accept change. In the end, it's not the prophecies or the gods that bring Zeus down, but his own human weaknesses. But let's find out what is the true meaning behind the watch and what significance it carries.

What's behind Zeus's obsession with his lucky watch in 'Kaos'?

Billie Piper plays a role far important than viewers could anticipate in Netflix's 'Kaos' (@netflix)
A still from 'Kaos' (@netflix)

During the 'Kaos' premiere, Zeus receives a new watch from his son Dionysus, but he's not interested. He already has a watch from their 'good friend Hercules', which he considers a lucky charm. Zeus is strangely attached to this watch, and when it goes missing, he loses his temper and starts killing his servants. What's even more surprising and funny is that he doesn't notice when Dionysus swaps it with a similar one.

It seems peculiarly odd that Zeus, who preaches against attachment to human things, is so fixated on this watch. But when he reveals its backstory, it all makes sense. The watch holds sentimental value, and Zeus sees it as a connection to Hercules. Despite his tough exterior, Zeus has a soft spot for this token of friendship. Little does he know, that Dionysus had pulled a fast one on him, and he's been wearing a fake watch all along. It isn't until he visits the Fates that Zeus discovers the truth.

Why does Zeus care so much about his watch in 'Kaos'?

Janet McTeer in 'Kaos' (Netflix/@justindowning)
Janet McTeer in 'Kaos' (Netflix/@justindowning)

Zeus clings to his lucky watch from Hercules almost like a security blanket. With his prophecy looming all over him in 'Kaos', he's willing to try anything to stay in control. He's so desperate to hold on to his power and immortality that the watch feels like his last lifeline. But when the watch vanishes, Zeus starts to fall apart. He's already feeling the effects of aging and the mortals are getting bolder, so he's convinced that losing the watch is the final straw.

He's also frantic to get it back, not because it's valuable or special, but because he believes it's his only hope. It's almost sad that Zeus is so blind to the truth. The watch is just a symbol of his own fear and vulnerability. When he finds out that Dionysus has used it to help someone else, he's faced with the reality that his luck has finally run out.

How does Zeus's watch spark his downfall in 'Kaos'?

Nabhaan Rizwan in 'Kaos' (@netflix)
A still from 'Kaos' (@netflix)

Zeus's watch seems like a small thing in 'Kaos', but it surely causes big problems. If Zeus had said thank you to Dionysus's gift, none of this would have happened. But Zeus was mean, so Dionysus stole the watch. This led to a series of events that would ruin Zeus. Dionysus's actions also made the other gods turn against Zeus.

When Zeus finds out about this, he gets angry and goes to the extent of hurting his family. This will have bad consequences, as Hera is already planning against him. Zeus didn't mean to, but he brought his own downfall. It's a sad ending, but in the end, it all seems like his own fault.

'Kaos' trailer