'House of the Dragon': Must-watch 'Game of Thrones' episodes before you dive into Targaryen drama

The much-awaited prequel, 'House of the Dragon' to the glorious fantasy show 'Game of Thrones' is finally here. Available to stream on HBO and HBO Max, this 10-episode show is sure to dominate every entertainment/pop-culture conversation. The prequel set almost 200 years before the plot of 'Game of Thrones' is expected to showcase just as much gore, drama, and monarchial glamour. Based on the world and bonds created by George RR Martin, 'House of the Dragon' is set to focus on the Targaryens. Fret not! The drama of this one house is more than enough to keep you entertained. For fans who have earnestly followed the show for years, 'House of the Dragon,' is a rewarding prequel.
The show opens with conflict and a dilemma, but before you get into that, we have compiled a list of must-watch episodes to give you a gist or rather refresh your memory about what has happened in the fantasy land of 'Game of Thrones' so far.
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Must-watch episodes of 'Game of Thrones'
Season 1, Episode 1, Winter is Coming

What better place to start than right at the very beginning? The first episode introduces viewers to the families that will be dominating their screens for the next couple of seasons. We are also put in touch with the histories of the land. The Targaryen family's influence and the power dynamics in place are also highlighted. We get to know about the plight of many and the plan to reclaim what was once lost.
Season 1, Episode 10, Fire and Blood

This episode marks the return of the dragons that went extinct. Daenerys's power and capacity to return unscathed from the fire marks the unraveling of her true character. She is now crowned as the Mother of Dragons.
Season 3, Episode 4, And Now His Watch is Ended

A betrayal and a deal held up by just one side could be used as a short synopsis for this episode. Daenerys makes a deal with a slave trader to get an army behind her in exchange for a dragon. But she proves the existence of Targaryen blood within her when she walks off with both; an army and her dragons.
Season 5, Episode 9, The Dance of Dragons

The Dance of Dragons is an integral part of 'House of the Dragon.' This event is mentioned in 'Game of Thrones' for the first time in this episode. It is foreshadowed by an avid reader who makes the reference to the civil war.
Season 6, Episode 10, The Winds of Winter

This episode was everything the fans needed. It validated a long-held theory about certain familial bonds. This put another character in line for the throne. This event, though it unraveled 200 years after the plot of 'House of the Dragon,' sets down what happens in the end.
Season 7, Episode 2, Stormborn

In the episode, you get to meet the dragons and witness an account of how powerful these creatures can be.
Season 7, Episode 4, The Spoils of War

Daenerys and her dragons collaborate and put up a thrilling fight. It is considered to be one of the best action sequences in the entire show.
Season 8, Episode 5, The Bells

The Daenery's rule is put on full display. To keep it short, the viewers witness the horrific events and aftermath of the war.