'House of the Dragon': From Lannister to Stark, what are other kingdoms doing in the prequel series?

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Fans' anticipation level is truly on another level since the biggest multi-starrer historical period war drama prequel ‘House of the Dragon’ drops globally for fans and viewers on both HBO and HBO Max on August 21, 2022. The series is set almost three hundred years before the events transpiring in the Game of Thrones. It is a poignant tale that narrates the pinnacle and dramatic fall of House Targaryen which sparks off because of a bloody civil war between the entire Targaryen family who are pitted against each other. It happens due to ruling King Viserys I Targaryen's (Paddy Considine) proclamation of naming his only daughter Rhaenyra as the next potential queen/ruler of Westeros. This angers patriarchal Westeros society. It triggers ‘Dance of the Dragons’ amidst all the family members in which even dragons are fighting humans.
Talking about the other kingdoms and their role in House of the Dragon, the most important ones are House Lannister, House Stark, House Baratheon, and House Tyrell. These houses from the ‘Game of Thrones’ universe also had their own contribution during the entire House Targaryen dynasty timeline.
‘House of the Dragon’: Who is Aegon II Targaryen? Tom Glynn-Carney’s character fights Rhaenyra for Iron Throne
Where was House Lannister located in 'House of the Dragon' and whom did they support?
House Lannister had an important role to play during House of the Dragon’s timeline. During this time, the Lannister family was led by Jason Lannister (Jefferson Hall). Jason had relentlessly competed against his twin brother for the hand of Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen years before. Interestingly, House Lannister will also see Jason’s twin brother Ser Tyland serving as the master of ships for King Viserys I Targaryen before his death. Later on, he is seen as the master of coins for crowned King Aegon II Targaryen during the very pivotal and nasty civil war known as ‘Dance of the Dragons’. This was the biggest fight between Rhaenyra (Emma D’Arcy) and King Aegon II (Tom Glynn-Carney) for wanting to become the next ruler of Westeros. It is true that according to the lore of Martin’s ‘Fire & Blood,’ both Jason and Tyland unconditionally had been giving in their support to Aegon II against Rhaenyra’s claim. Jason had been situated in Casterly Rock while Tyland had an important location in King’s Landing. On the night King Viserys I dies, it will be Tyland Lannister who gathers the small council to discuss the succession plan. He wants to claim Aegon II as the rightful king of Westeros which angers Rhaenyra a lot.

Where was House Stark in 'House of the Dragon'?
During the ugliest civil war related to King Viserys I succession in the prequel, we would see how The House Stark will be located back in Winterfell. Lord Cregan Stark led the family. Not many might know this bit, but before ‘Dance of the Dragons,’ House Stark had largely abstained from engaging in royal politics or conflicts at court. Then in 129 AC, when Queen Rhaenyra had sent her firstborn son to Winterfell to gain support for her claim, House of the Dragon's Lord Stark and Jacaerys officially created the ‘Pact of Ice and Fire.’ Cregan would finally march to King’s Landing in 131 AC after Queen Rhaenyra’s death. This is also known as the ‘Hour of the Wolf’. Cregan Stark’s arrival at King’s Landing would make viewers witness how he would hold the court at the Red Keep for six days. After this, he was named the official ‘Hand of the King’ by Rhaenyra’s son, ‘Prince Aegon the Younger.’ However, he would instantly resign from his position as the Hand. The moment King Aegon III Targaryen would get officially crowned, Cregan finally would start his journey back to Game of Thrones' Winterfell.

Where was House Baratheon in the prequel series 'House of the Dragon'?
The leader of House Baratheon in House of the Dragon's civil war is Borros Baratheon. He was the Lord of Storm’s End during the reigns of both King Viserys I and Aegon II. Since Rhaenyra and Borros were cousins in the Targaryen dynasty, it was assumed that he would support her claim to the throne. But, out of the blue, he unexpectedly made up his mind to side with the greens (King Aegon II) when they visited him in Storm’s End. Lord Baratheon would primarily remain in Storm’s End aside from leading a few marches during the Dance of the Dragons. But he’d be seen going to the King’s landing only after his cousin Queen Rhaenyra’s death. Borros’ daughter Ellyn Baratheon will also be featured as a character in House of the Dragon. Even though her role in season one as of now is not clear, she’ll eventually come into the picture at Storm’s End when various kingdoms try to make marriage pacts with her father in hopes of asking her hand.

Where was House Tyrell in the series 'House of the Dragon'?
Tyrell family wants to stay out of the conflict during House of the Dragon. The noble house instead deals with the extensive division already within the Reach. When the House of the Dragon’s Targaryen civil war commences, the Lord of Highgarden is only a newborn infant wherein his mother was seen serving as regent. Though it was being predicted how Lyonel Tyrell’s mother would give in her support to the Hightower’s and Aegon II, finally she refused to participate in the war. This is a big change from Game of Thrones, where House Tyrell was a far more greedy and power-hungry institution. Instead, House Tyrell here will likely serve a similar role to that of House Stark who totally did not want to indulge in war before the Dance of the Dragons.