The Rock and the Boulder: Alabama cop with an uncanny resemblance to Dwayne Johnson gains devoted fans

MORGAN COUNTY, ALABAMA: The residents of Morgan County gasped when Dwayne Johnson aka The Rock sped by in a neighbourhood patrol car, but it wasn't really him. It was a man who looked exactly like him. in 2021, Morgan County Sheriff's Office posted a photo of Lieutenant Eric Fields, Alabama police officer in their Facebook page which went instantly viral because of his uncanny resemblance to the 'Black Adam' actor, reported The Sun.
The officer can be seen towering over people with his bulging, muscular arms and a bulletproof vest in numerous photos from the police agency. Fields, who once worked at the Morgan County jail, has advanced through the police ranks to become an instructor of tactical and firearms training.
According to The Sun, Fields says that he was frequently referred to as the "love child" of The Rock and Vin Diesel. He finds the analogies amusing and interprets them as a complement. "I’ve been called The Rock and Vin Diesel’s love child. I go along with it. It’s humorous. It’s flattering. It could be worse people, I guess." Fields said.
The police officer's resemblance to the legendary wrestler, who was listed by Time as one of the top 100 Most Influential People in the World in 2019, astounded locals and fans abroad. Considering his bulky build, Fields, 37, most definitely has a body to compete with The Rock in his peak. Johnson, who is 6ft 5in tall and weighs a 260 pounds, was the face of the WWE revival in the early 2000s.
In addition to sharing a love of fitness, Fields and Johnson also look similar. Even the former Deputy US Marshal's family has joined in on the fun by purchasing him Rock apparel to wear while working out. Since late 2021, Fields' exposure has increased, and he currently has over 25,000 Instagram followers. He recently shared a photo of himself wearing a damaged Superman jersey after a particularly demanding workout since he wants to keep his supporters informed about his fitness goals. Despite some too enthusiastic fans pursuing him at the station for a selfie, Fields has handled his newfound popularity with grace.
Even The Rock addressed the comparisons through his twitter handle, stating that he and Shields should get together for some tequila and story-telling. Johnson tweeted, "Oh s***! Wow. Guy on the left is way cooler. Stay safe brother and thank you for your service. One day we’ll drink @Teremana and I need to hear all your “Rock stories” because I KNOW you got ‘em"
Oh shit! Wow.
— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) August 31, 2021
Guy on the left is way cooler.
Stay safe brother and thank you for your service. One day we’ll drink @Teremana and I need to hear all your “Rock stories” because I KNOW you got ‘em 😂😈👊🏾🥃 #ericfields