Playground 'Karen' accuses Black Pennsylvania couple of 'kidnapping' their adopted White kids

COLLINGDALE, PENNSYLVANIA: A Black Pennsylvania couple, Jennifer McDuffie-Moore, 43, and Harry Moore, 37, were accused of kidnapping their adopted White twin boys. The couple adopted the twins, 3-year-old Brayden and Trevor, 2 years after they took them in as foster children. A woman threatened to call the cops on the couple when their sons threw a tantrum at a playground, reports say.
Twins Brayden and Trevor were separated at birth from their biological mother, who reportedly suffered from drug addiction. According to reports, Jennifer and Harry adopted them and they joined the couple’s family who already had biological children, Joy, 21, and Kourtney, 11, and their adopted kids, Keenan, 10, and Sanchez, 8. Jennifer co-owns a child care program and Harry is a mechanic.
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The couple described 'racist episodes' they've had to suffer as the Black parents of White children. Jennifer told SWNS, "A month ago, we were playing at the playground and the twins didn’t want to go home. A lady had been watching us playing and when one of the twins had a tantrum she told me she was going to call the police. I scooped the kids up and she thought I was stealing them. One of the twins said, ‘No, that’s my mom!’ I don’t want to justify it because people should mind their own business." The couple also talked about the times they were pulled over by police while driving in their minivan. Once a cop interrogated them about two white foster girls in their minivan.
Jennifer said, "We were coming back from a family outing from Delaware and we got pulled over. We had our children and two little strawberry blond girls who we were fostering with us and the first thing the cops asked my husband was, ‘Whose kids are those?’ And he wasn’t kind about it."

The parents noted that they first experienced the 'racial challenges' when they adopted Keenan, who also is White, in 2016. However, the couple said the frequency of these 'racial episodes' grew after George Floyd’s murder and at the height of the Black Lives Matter movement. "We often see transracial adoption done the other way — a White family adopting a Black child. Even doing the paperwork, there are many questions about our ability to foster children who are white. It took us 2,695 days to adopt Keenan because we are black, " Jennifer said. She continued, "We have conversations about race all the time. In our home we talk about it, we know that everyone is different, you have to acknowledge it and not pretend to be color blind."

Speaking of the adopted White twin boys, Jennifer mentioned that they "were supposed to stay for a weekend and now they are here forever". "They were born with a drug in their systems and so they are medically needy with developmental delays and speech and language issues. Two days after we took them in for a weekend to give their foster carer a break, the agency asked if they could stay for good. We said they could stay with us until they had found a home but then time passed and they were nearly a year old and our whole family, my nieces and our church, pitched in and we eventually started the adoption process,” she said.
The couple said they can’t imagine their family without Brayden and Trevor. Jennifer said, "They are definitely are our sons. Instead of scrutinizing what color people are or their gender or their preferences, people should understand that love really does support a family. There are so many kids out there without homes."