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Who is Aunt Karen? TikToker alleges death threats for exposing ‘racist’ Texas CEO

Karen accused Eileen Cure of racist hiring practices in a July video, says she now fears for her safety after Cure's husband makes death threat
UPDATED AUG 11, 2021
A screenshot of Denise Bradley aka Aunt Karen from TikTok. (TikTok)
A screenshot of Denise Bradley aka Aunt Karen from TikTok. (TikTok)

Thanks to social media, numerous racist employers and companies have come to light. On the flip side, it's also exposed more people to threats, as Aunt Karen will tell you. The popular TikToker, who is known for her 'Racist of the Day' videos, has alleged death threats against her after she exposed a "racist" CEO in Texas. On August 6, she revealed that she was "taking necessary steps to protect myself," after the threats were made, by the husband of Eileen Cure, the CEO in question.

Cure is not the first executive to be accused of racism. In July 2020, we reported on the resignation of Michael Lofthouse, a San Fransisco-based CEO who was caught making racist comments towards an Asian family. In March 2021, the founder of Papa John's John Schnatter attempted to rehabilitate his image in an OAN interview, but it failed spectacularly. The same month, health insurer Cigna CEO David Cordani made the news after the company's hiring policies made the news. 


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While the allegations persist against Cure, it appears her husband has decided to take matters into his own hands. He reportedly threatened to kill Aunt Karen, and allegedly said, "ell that Tiktoker to come down here to Texas, and I’ll put her in a grave." It's a serious accusation, which is why we want to focus on Aunt Karen. If you were wondering who she is, and why she's receiving death threats, here's everything you need to know.

A screenshot of Aunt Karen's TikTok profile. (GoFundMe)

Who is Aunt Karen?

The name Aunt Karen is simply a stage name. The account belongs to a woman called Denise Bradley. Not much is known about Bradley's personal life. Her Twitter bio says she is an activist for the Black Lives Matter movement and the LGBTQ community. She has only 3,000 plus followers on Twitter, but over one million on TikTok. She's well known on TikTok for her 'Racist of the Day' videos, which often garner thousands, if not tens of thousands of views. 

A GoFundMe page set up for her says she is currently unemployed "as she decided to become a full-time activist." Without a source of income, Bradley is now turning to her fan base for support in the battle against Cure. To ensure her safety, she is keeping her location hidden from social media, as well as details about her family. Because of the fear for her life, we could not find out anything else about Bradley. 

Almost all the news of her is about the expose of Cure, and the backlash she received. 

A screenshot of a TikTok video by Aunt Karen. (Twitter)

Why does Bradley fear for her life?

On July 26, Bradley uploaded a TikTok which included a Skype message from Cure. Cure said, "I wanted to tell you I specifically said no blacks. I’m not a prejudiced person but our clients are 90% white and I need to cater to them. So that interview was a complete waste of my time, so please don’t second guess me or go against what I ask. Listen to me and give me what I ask for please." Along with that screenshot, Bradley asks her followers to demand action from Cure, who is the president of Cure & Associates, a financial firm in Montgomery, Texas.

The expose reportedly led Cure and her unnamed husband to "interrogate each member of her staff, to find who leaked the photo to me." On August 6, Bradley tweeted, "I news reporter in Houston just confirmed that Eileen Cure’s husband stated “Tell that Tiktoker to come down here to Texas, and I’ll put her in a grave”. At this point I am concerned for my safety, and will be taking necessary steps to protect myself." 


Following the tweet, a GoFundMe page was set up for Bradley. The page alleged, "Eileen has made several attempts to harass and bully Aunt Karen." The page was set up to help Bradley pay for a lawyer, and "a possible concealed carry permit if need be." Initially, the page had a goal of $5,000 but has now upped it to $30,000. At the time of reporting it has managed to get over $23,000.  On August 7, Bradley confirmed Cure was "looking into legal actions against me." 

"I have to take all threats seriously," Bradley told the Daily Dot. She also added that she is currently staying in a hotel, but "is increasing the security in her home and has completed a concealed carry class." It's unclear if Cure has acutally filed a case against Bradley, or if it is just another threat.