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'A Gentleman in Moscow' Finale: All the characters in Paramount+ series ranked, and why The Bishop is not #1

'A Gentleman in Moscow' is based on the 2016 novel of the same name by Amor Towles
UPDATED MAY 18, 2024
Here is the overall ranking of  characters in 'A Gentleman in Moscow' (Paramount+/@jasonbell)
Here is the overall ranking of characters in 'A Gentleman in Moscow' (Paramount+/@jasonbell)

MOSCOW, RUSSIA: 'A Gentleman in Moscow' has been generating a buzz among viewers for its captivating storyline following Count Alexander Rostov (Ewan McGregor), who is placed under house arrest in a Moscow hotel. 

The last episode of 'A Gentleman in Moscow,' titled 'Adieu', was released on Paramount+ with Showtime on Friday, May 17, 2024, marking the conclusion of the series. 

'A Gentleman in Moscow' features a range of diverse and compelling characters who play integral roles in the story. 

Let's revisit the main characters of 'A Gentleman in Moscow' and rate them based on their impact, development, and overall role in the series.

1. Count Alexander Rostov

Count Alexander Rostov is sentenced to a life of solitary confinement within the walls of Metropol Hotel  in 'A Gentleman in Moscow' Episode 1 (@SHOWTIME)
Ewan McGregor as Count Alexander Rostov in a still from 'A Gentleman in Moscow' (@showtime)

Count Alexander Rostov is indeed a standout character in 'A Gentleman in Moscow'. Despite being stripped of his wealth and sentenced to spend the rest of his life under house arrest at the Metropol Hotel, Rostov maintains a remarkably positive and calm demeanor throughout the series. 

Rostov's interactions with the hotel staff, fellow residents, and guests are always polite and respectful. He takes an interest in the lives of others, offering assistance where he can.

When Nina Kulikova (Leah Balmforth) asks him to take care of her daughter Sophia, Rostov agrees without any hesitation. He becomes a father figure to Sophia, nurturing her curiosity, teaching her valuable life lessons, and providing her with a stable and loving environment despite of living at Metropol Hotel.

He finds joy in literature, music, and the beauty of the hotel's surroundings. Rostov also forms a close and affectionate bond with Anna Urbanova (Mary Elizabeth Winstead), the glamorous actress who resides at the Metropol Hotel.

Rostov is always there to support Anna, whether it's offering her a shoulder to lean on during challenging times or celebrating her success with genuine happiness.

2. Anna Urbanova

Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Anna Urbanova in a still from 'A Gentleman in Moscow' (@paramount+)
Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Anna Urbanova in a still from 'A Gentleman in Moscow' (@paramount+)

Anna Urbanova is one of the best characters in 'A Gentleman in Moscow'. Her relationship with Rostov is a central focus of the story, showcasing their deep emotional connection and the impact they have on each other's lives.

Despite being an actress, Anna forms a deep and meaningful love affair with Rostov, who is confined to the Metropol Hotel. While she initially presents herself as a strong and independent woman, her interactions with Rostov and her actions towards others reveal a softer and more vulnerable side.

Anna's care for her people is apparent in her interactions with the hotel staff and other residents. She shows kindness and compassion towards them, offering support and assistance when needed.

Additionally, Anna's willingness to support Rostov in caring for Sophia demonstrates her deepening bond with both Rostov and the child. 

3. Nina Kulikova

Leah Balmforth as Nina Kulikova in a still from 'A Gentleman in Moscow' (@showtime)
Leah Balmforth as Nina Kulikova in a still from 'A Gentleman in Moscow' (@showtime)

Throughout the series, Nina Kulikova's character undergoes significant growth and development, evolving from a young girl into a mature woman. 

Alexa Goodall's portrayal of young Nina and Leah Balmforth's portrayal of adult Nina is the highlight of the series. The transition between the two actresses adds a nuanced dimension to Nina's growth and development throughout the series. 

Nina and Rostov's friendship blossoms during her childhood, marked by moments of playful interaction and shared experiences. After years have passed and Nina returns to the hotel, she and Rostov instantly reconnect, their bond as strong as ever despite the time apart.

Nina's sweet and caring nature is evident in her interactions with everyone, especially Rostov, whom she asks to take care of her daughter. Her trust in Rostov demonstrates the depth of their friendship and the bond they share.

4. Sophia

Beau Gadsdon as Sophia in a still from 'A Gentleman in Moscow' (@paramount+)
Beau Gadsdon as Sophia in a still from 'A Gentleman in Moscow' (@paramount+)

Sophia, Nina's daughter, emerges as one of the most endearing and beloved characters in 'A Gentleman in Moscow.' Billie Gadsdon portrays young Sophia, while Beau Gadsdon portrays older Sophia in 'A Gentleman in Moscow,' adding depth and complexity to the character's development. 

Sophia's sweet demeanor endears her to everyone at the Metropol Hotel, and she forms strong friendships with Rostov and Anna. Her kindness and compassion make her a beloved member of the hotel community.

When Nina does not come to pick her up, Sophia chooses to live with Rostov, demonstrating her trust in him and her ability to adapt to changing circumstances. This decision marks a significant moment in Sophia's life, as she takes control of her own destiny and asserts her independence in a challenging situation. 

Sophia's relationship with Rostov goes beyond mere companionship; she actively participates in his life and helps him in various ways.

5. Mikhail 'Mishka' Fyodorovich Mindich

Fehinti Balogun as Mikhail 'Mishka' Mindich in a still from 'A Gentleman in Moscow' Episode 2 (@showtime)
Fehinti Balogun as Mikhail 'Mishka' Mindich in a still from 'A Gentleman in Moscow' (@showtime)

Mikhail 'Mishka' Fyodorovich Mindich (Fehinti Balogun), Rostov's old friend, emerges as one of the most compelling and beloved characters in 'A Gentleman in Moscow.'

Mishka is Rostov's old friend from before the Russian revolution. When Mishka reunites with Rostov, he sets aside any past misunderstandings and reconnects with him, demonstrating the depth of their friendship.

Despite not being an aristocrat like Rostov, Mishka's ability to look beyond social status highlights the true nature of their bond.

When the new leader attempts to seize the farmers' land, Mishka courageously stands up against this injustice and fights for the rights of the farmers. His unwavering determination to protect the land and the livelihoods of the farmers demonstrates his strong sense of justice and loyalty to his beliefs.

However, Mishka's bold move lands him in prison, but his sacrifice serves as a testament to his courage and commitment to his principles.

6. Osip Glebnikov

Johnny Harris as Osip Glebnikov in a still from 'A Gentleman in Moscow' (@paramount+)
Johnny Harris as Osip Glebnikov in a still from 'A Gentleman in Moscow' (@paramount+)

Osip Glebnikov (Johnny Harris) emerges as one of the most intriguing characters in 'A Gentleman in Moscow.' His character is shrouded in mystery, with a complex personality that captivates the viewers. 

His sharp observations and quick thinking often sets him apart from the other residents. Despite his apparent dislike for Rostov, Osip often spends time with him at the hotel, engaging in discussions and reading books together. 

Their shared interest in literature serves as a common ground for their interactions, allowing them to bond over their love for books despite any underlying tensions.

Through their discussions and reading sessions, Osip and Rostov develop a unique relationship characterized by intellectual stimulation and mutual respect, despite their differences.

7. Olga

Anastasia Hille as Olga in a still from 'A Gentleman in Moscow' (@paramount+)
Anastasia Hille as Olga in a still from 'A Gentleman in Moscow' (@paramount+)

Olga (Anastasia Hille), Anna's assistant in the series, may not have a lot of screen time, but her sweet behavior shines through in the moments she is featured.

As Anna's assistant, Olga is portrayed as a kind and supportive character, always ready to help Anna in her duties. Olga's sweetness is evident in her interactions with Anna, Sophia and others around her. She is shown to be respectful, diligent, and caring, making her a likable character despite her minor role in the series. 

When Olga notices that little Sophia's hair is not done properly, she brings Sophia with her and gives her a bath, showing her gentle and caring nature. She also treats Anna with the same tenderness and care as if she were her own daughter. 

8. The Bishop

John Heffernan as 'The Bishop' in a still from 'A Gentleman in Moscow' (@paramount+)
John Heffernan as 'The Bishop' in a still from 'A Gentleman in Moscow' (@paramount+)

As a Bolshevik working at the hotel, The Bishop's (John Heffernan) evolution from a waiter to the hotel manager reflects the growth of his character. 

However, his behavior can be perceived as negative due to his rudeness towards others. Despite his position of authority as the hotel manager, his demeanor and interactions with staff is bad. 

His rudeness towards everyone, including Rostov, highlights his abrasive nature and lack of empathy, making him a challenging character to sympathize with in the series.

His behavior may stem from his strong ideological beliefs as a Bolshevik, which could contribute to his dismissive attitude towards those who do not share his views.

'The Bishop' raises objections to the presence of a wine list at the hotel, viewing it as antithetical to the egalitarian principles of the new Soviet society. He orders the removal of all wine labels. However, Rostov sees this action as disastrous.

His strict adherence to rules and regulations creates a difficult environment for Sophia. The Bishop's presence makes it hard for Sophia to express herself freely or pursue her interests. 

All the episodes of 'A Gentleman in Moscow' are now streaming on Paramount+ and Showtime.

'A Gentleman in Moscow' trailer