Woman slammed for asking boss's 'trophy girlfriend' at husband's office party 'to put something on'

When your boss hosts a party, the employees are expected to be on their best behavior, but what about the hosts? A woman spoke about the same situation involving her husband's boss and his girlfriend on Reddit in a post titled, 'AITA for politely telling my husband's boss's "girlfriend" to be a little more discreet at a party?' The now-deleted post garnered 1,400 comments.
The user wrote, "My husband's boss at the small startup he works at was throwing a huge party for 2023 celebrating a big contract and funding round they landed (despite the recession I suppose). He is clearly doing well because he couldn't wait to show off his newly landscaped yard (with pool and jacuzzi), new Mercedes, and a clear trophy girlfriend."
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'This trophy girlfriend literally had nothing to talk about'
The user then wrote, "This trophy girlfriend literally had nothing to talk about, hardly played host, and just wandered off halfway through the party into their jacuzzi, and basically stripped down to just her panties," adding, "This was like less than 50 ft away from a party full of people, including 4 kids (around 4-7 years) including my 5 year old daughter! I was appalled, waited to see if she would be out in a few minutes or something but then decided to wander over, and politely tell her, and I quote: "Hey, this is a lovely party, but there are some kids around. Would you mind putting something on? Or saving it for after the kids bedtime?"
The user, in the end, wrote, "She barely acknowledged me, I felt awkward and left. I guess ten minutes later or so, she wandered off, talked to his boss, and then the boss comes over to my husband and gives him an earful. Now I'm the terrible person because the boss apparently told my husband that I was rather impolite with his girlfriend and he hoped that I'd have a talk when we're invited over again in the future. Info: She was sitting in the jacuzzi, it wasn't well lit but she was topless, facing away from the crowd."
'YTA for the misogynistic comments'
As soon as the post went online the users expressed views in the comments. One users wrote, "My five year old great-niece (who is a bit precocious) would be like yay! Aunt you don't say took her shirt off! Everyone take their shirt off! Kids don't really notice or care unless they see pearl clutching. Though maybe the husband got an eye full and that was the problem. YTA." Another user said, "YTA for calling her a 'trophy girlfriend.'" A third user said, "YTA for the misogynistic "trophy girlfriend" comments alone."

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