'He takes zero accountability': Internet slams 'insecure' man who accidentally 'ruined GF's career'

When a boyfriend learned the shocking secret that his girlfriend was a lingerie model in the past, he decided to share it with a bunch of his friends and then on a Reddit AITA discussion forum. The worst part of this unfortunate series of events is that it eventually spoiled his girlfriend's current role as a teacher.
The boyfriend's post claimed that "the photos somehow got into the hands of the school board, and Sarah was fired for "unprofessional behavior." He now posted the question in the forum saying, "but I didn't know that it would lead to this. AITA for accidentally ruining my girlfriend's career?"
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What was the post from the boyfriend?
The post reads, "Hi everyone, I'm in a tough spot right now and I'm not sure if I'm the asshole or not. My girlfriend (27F) (let's call her Sarah) and I (26M) have been together for three years. She's always been passionate about her job as a teacher and has worked really hard to build up her career. However, a few weeks ago, I accidentally stumbled upon some photos of Sarah on Instagram that I had never seen before. They were pictures of her in some very revealing clothing, and some of them were even nude. I was shocked and confronted her about it, and she told me that she used to be a lingerie model before becoming a teacher. She said she stopped doing it because she didn't want it to affect her career, and she thought I knew about it already."
Further, he added, "I didn't know how to react at first, but eventually, I told a few of my friends about it. One of my friends is gossip and ended up telling someone who works at the school where Sarah teaches. Long story short, the photos somehow got into the hands of the school board, and Sarah was fired for "unprofessional behavior." Sarah is devastated and blames me for ruining her career. She says that I should have kept my mouth shut and that I betrayed her trust. I feel terrible about what happened, but I didn't know that it would lead to this. AITA for accidentally ruining my girlfriend's career?"
'I hope your next girlfriend is a pure innocent flower'
There were some interesting reactions to the post. A user wrote, "YTA. You “didn’t know how to react at first,” but then settled on the ‘let me share my girlfriend’s private—and obviously career-ending—information with a bunch of people whom I know will gossip’ reaction? Don’t tell us you didn’t know this could be a possibility. You knew. You were uncomfortable with your girlfriend’s past, and wanted her embarrassed. Well, go you. I hope your next girlfriend is a pure innocent flower; pray she’s not appalled by anything in your past."
Another claimed, "That was my question, did he do this on purpose and now feels badly because the outcome seemed obvious that this would end the relationship. Even if the school didn't find out I'm pretty sure she didn't want his gossipy friends getting a hold of them either. Maybe she didn't tell him about them for a reason." "What guy shows pics of his naked girlfriend to another guy?" questioned another user."The school is the asshole too. Why fire someone over their past?" opined another.
A user wrote, "He is insecure. Those are the actions of an insecure person with a fragile ego that seems to think that his gf’s body belongs to him. Why else would he try to punish her by telling people who he knows gossip about her past which he seems to have a problem with. Walks like a duck. Quacks like a duck. It is a duck.And the kicker is he takes zero accountability. An accident he says. Sure it was…" A comment read, "He didn’t just “Tell them” About it if the school board ended up having the photos.He either provided photos/links or provided ALL the info they needed to get the photos. People weren’t just “talking” about it, they were passing photos/links around.Yeah. He did it on purpose. Yeah, he intended her to be fired, or at least for tins of people to see the photos. YTA. I hope she sues you."
"Yeah he called the other person a "gossip" and yet he himself gossiped his GFs private shit to several people. But its apparently not "gossip" when he does it," wrote down another user. "If I’d heard he’d ruined an exes’ career because he was either a complete idiot or a gossip I’d dump him because either one, I can’t trust him because he’ll gossip or two, I can’t trust him because he’s too stupid to understand consequences. Either way, he doesn’t think it’s his fault.Punt this man out of the gene pool." "The school is the a**hole too. Why fire someone over their past?"
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