Woman alerts moms to a simple mistake in supermarkets that could be very deadly for children

CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA: An Australian woman has put out a warning to other parents about how a simple error almost killed her daughter, using pictures of the baby connected to numerous life-saving devices.
CPR Kids, an Instagram account devoted to teaching children first aid, received the woman's harrowing tale anonymously. A CT scan showed that when the child fell, it caused a "large brain bleed causing pressure on her brain." A hemorrhagic stroke, according to the CDC, happens when an artery in the brain bursts or leaks blood, placing pressure on the brain cells, per the New York Post.
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What happened to the child?
The mother revealed that when the baby, Millie, was in a shopping cart and her son, Lincoln, was in the car, an accident occurred. The cart "blew off the curb and tipped" as the child was being strapped in. The distruaght mother wrote, "It took all of two seconds … for it to happen." Millie, whose age has not been specified, got badly injured after falling headfirst onto the pavement and was rushed to a hospital.
“She was prepped immediately. Sedated, intubated and rushed, [with] lights and sirens, to the Brisbane children’s hospital, where she was rushed straight into emergency brain surgery,” the woman explained, adding, “She was in surgery for about two hours. Got out at 2 a.m. Friday [then] in the pediatric ICU until 1:30 p.m. Saturday … then moved to the high acuity ward.”
How is the child doing now?
Fortunately, a follow-up scan showed that Millie's brain was "looking good" and that she was currently "doing amazing." “She’s now trying to sit up. [She’s] smiling and eating. Her cheeky self is coming through now, and I can’t be happier and [more] proud of her progress,” the woman said, adding, “We are happy to report that Millie is now home.”
Furthermore, the mother-of-two demanded that all shopping carts be equipped with a braking device to prevent such accidents. “All shopping trolleys with child restraints need to have a braking system in place. I am determined to make this happen,” the mother said, adding, “If I can do this and it stops just one child from being injured, then it will be a success.”
Additionaly, CPR Kids also pointed out that many parents use shopping carts to confine their children while putting groceries away or helping younger siblings in the car, so safety is crucial. “This could really happen to anyone,” the post read.