Why is BTS' Jin awaiting HYBE's decision for military enlistment?

Right after BTS’ first night of the ‘Permission To Dance On Stage - Las Vegas’ 4-day concert, on April 9, BTS and HYBE held a press conference. During the chat with the media, one of the key topics of discussion was BTS’ mandatory military service. In South Korea, all healthy male citizens except for national athletes had to enlist till the age of 30. With the eldest member. Jin reaching the maximum age limit in 2021, he and the rest of BTS applied for a one-year deferment.
However, since 2018, there have been constant talks of exempting BTS from serving in the military. The government first changed the maximum age limit of enlisting from 28 to 30. In 2021, they then shared that they had met up to discuss the merits of letting BTS get exempted but had not come to a decision. During this time, BTS had often shared that they would gladly serve in the military to fulfil their duties as citizens. And while we got a new update from HYBE’s CCO and Jin himself during the Vegas conference, it hasn’t helped clear up the situation.
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In 2021, the Ministry of National Defence held a discussion to see how they could include artists who have contributed greatly to the exemption clause created for athletes and disabled citizens. It was met with strong opposition that has led to the revision of the Military Service Act being suspended at the moment. When asked how Jin felt about this, the BTS star replied, “I have talked a lot with the company about military service. I talked about how I would entrust it to the company as much as possible. I believe what the company has to say is as good as my say.”
HYBE asks the Ministry to take a decision
HYBE’s CCO, Lee Jin-hyung also added that they had taken into consideration BTS’ willingness to enlist and would take a call after the Military Service Act is revised or not since it was being discussed because of BTS. He explained, “To put it precisely, the policy on military service is changing, and it’s true that the BTS members are having a hard time because it’s difficult for them to predict the timing [of their military service]. Since it’s difficult for them to make plans, both the BTS members and the company are currently keeping a close eye on the proposed amendment.”
Since the constant revisions of the act were making it difficult for BTS to come up with a future plan he hoped the Ministry would take a call soon before the next President begins his term, "If the issue passes on to the next National Assembly, the debate will continue without any promises, and because it’s true that the uncertainty [over BTS’s military service] is making things difficult, we hope that [the National Assembly] will reach a decision as soon as possible."